The new high luminosity environment at the Large Hadron Collider necessitates an upgrade of detector technology. For the Muon Spectrometer at the ATLAS experiment, this upgrade will take place in 2 phases. Phase II of the upgrade will begin during Long Shut Down 3, so development of new technology is currently underway. During this, existing Monitored Drift Tube (MDT) chambers in the BIS region will be replaced with small MDT (sMDT) chambers to create additional space for other upgrades. This thesis focuses on the design testing of new sMDTs that will be used in the prototype Phase II sMDT chamber: Module Zero. General specifications such as end plug diameters and tube bending were measured, in addition to the wire tension and dark current. Overall, the newly produced sMDTs were majoritively within specification and led to the successful construction and operation of the Module Zero prototype sMDT chamber.