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Report number arXiv:2106.15783 ; FERMILAB-PUB-21-308-ND-PPD-SCD
Title Learning from the Pandemic: the Future of Meetings in HEP and Beyond
Author(s) Neubauer, Mark S. (Illinois U., Urbana (main)) ; Adams, Todd (Florida State U.) ; Adelman-McCarthy, Jennifer (Fermilab) ; Benelli, Gabriele (Brown U.) ; Bose, Tulika (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Britton, David (Glasgow U.) ; Burchat, Pat (Stanford U., ITP) ; Butler, Joel (Fermilab) ; Cartwright, Timothy A. (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Davídek, Tomáš (Charles U.) ; Dumarchez, Jacques (Paris U., VI-VII) ; Elmer, Peter (Princeton U.) ; Feickert, Matthew (Illinois U., Urbana (main)) ; Galewsky, Ben (Illinois U., Urbana (main)) ; Gill, Mandeep (Stanford U., ITP) ; Gladki, Maciej (CERN) ; Goel, Aman (Illinois U., Urbana (main)) ; Guyer, Jonathan E. (NIST, Wash., D.C.) ; Jayatilaka, Bo (Fermilab) ; Kiburg, Brendan (Fermilab) ; Krikler, Benjamin (Bristol U.) ; Lange, David (Princeton U.) ; Lee, Claire (Fermilab) ; Manganelli, Nick (UC, Riverside) ; Marchiori, Giovanni (APC, Paris) ; Narain, Meenakshi (Brown U.) ; Osborne, Ianna (Princeton U.) ; Pivarski, Jim (Princeton U.) ; Prosper, Harrison (Florida State U.) ; Stewart, Graeme A. (CERN) ; Rodrigues, Eduardo (Liverpool U.) ; Salerno, Roberto (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Tonjes, Marguerite (Illinois U., Chicago) ; Trnka, Jaroslav (UC, Davis) ; Varanda, Vera (Paris U., VI-VII) ; Vassilev, Vassil (Princeton U.) ; Watts, Gordon T. (Washington U., Seattle) ; Zeller, Sam (Fermilab) ; Zhang, Yuanyuan (Fermilab)
Imprint 2021-06-29
Number of pages 55
Note A report from the "Virtual Meetings" IRIS-HEP Blueprint Workshop:
Presented at IRIS-HEP Blueprint Workshop, Online, 5 - 6 May 2021
Subject category hep-ex ; Particle Physics - Experiment ; physics.soc-ph ; Other Fields of Physics
Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has by-and-large prevented in-person meetings since March 2020. While the increasing deployment of effective vaccines around the world is a very positive development, the timeline and pathway to "normality" is uncertain and the "new normal" we will settle into is anyone's guess. Particle physics, like many other scientific fields, has more than a year of experience in holding virtual meetings, workshops, and conferences. A great deal of experimentation and innovation to explore how to execute these meetings effectively has occurred. Therefore, it is an appropriate time to take stock of what we as a community learned from running virtual meetings and discuss possible strategies for the future. Continuing to develop effective strategies for meetings with a virtual component is likely to be important for reducing the carbon footprint of our research activities, while also enabling greater diversity and inclusion for participation. This report summarizes a virtual two-day workshop on Virtual Meetings held May 5-6, 2021 which brought together experts from both inside and outside of high-energy physics to share their experiences and practices with organizing and executing virtual workshops, and to develop possible strategies for future meetings as we begin to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. This report outlines some of the practices and tools that have worked well which we hope will serve as a valuable resource for future virtual meeting organizers in all scientific fields.
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 Запись создана 2021-07-15, последняя модификация 2025-01-26

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