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Report number arXiv:1807.07756
Title Validation of the Simulation of Collision Events at the LHC
Author(s) Mättig, Peter (Bonn U.)
Imprint 2018-07-20
Number of pages 23
Subject category hep-ph ; Particle Physics - Phenomenology ; physics.hist-ph ; Other Fields of Physics
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC
Abstract The procedures of validating simulation of particle physics events at the LHC are summarized. Because of the strongly fluctuating particle content of LHC events and detector interactions, particle based Monte Carlo methods are an indispensable tool for data analysis. Simulation in particle physics is founded on factorization and thus its global validation can be realized by validating each individual step in the simulation. This can be accomplished by adopting results of previous measurements, in - situ studies and models. Important in particle physics is to quantify how well simulation is validated such that a systematic uncertainty can be assigned to a measurement. The simulation is tested for a wide range of processes and agrees with data within the assigned uncertainties.
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 Record created 2021-07-15, last modified 2021-12-17

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