Home > Optimized injector schemes for FCC-ee positron production |
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Title | Optimized injector schemes for FCC-ee positron production |
Author(s) | Bai, B (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys. ; IJCLab, Orsay ; Beijing, GUCAS) ; Faus-Golfe, A (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Han, Y (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Chaikovska, I (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Zhou, Z (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Chi, Y (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Oide, K (CERN ; KEK, Tsukuba) ; Zimmermann, F (CERN) |
Publication | 2021 |
Number of pages | 14 |
In: | Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1009 (2021) 165463 |
DOI | 10.1016/j.nima.2021.165463 |
Subject category | Accelerators and Storage Rings |
Study | CERN FCC |
Abstract | Injectors and in particular the positron production systems are a crucial element in linear and circular colliders. The proposed FCC-ee injector linac accelerates both electrons and positrons up to 6 GeV in order to be injected into the Pre-Booster Ring (PBR) with a high intensity of 3.5 nC per bunch for the Z running mode. The current design baseline of the FCC-ee injector linac is based on the SuperKEKB scheme, in which the electron and the positron beams share the same linacs with a fixed target configuration on-axis hole for electron beam passage. One of the main drawbacks of this scheme is the positron production efficiency at the exit of the injector linac. In order to achieve a better performance and a higher positron yield, in this paper we study different bypass injection options. Start-to-end design and optimization for beam production, acceleration and transport from the feeding electron source to the positron damping ring are also being presented. |
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