CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-65-04-V-2
Conference title 5th International Conference on Nuclear Photography
Related conference title(s) Nuclear Photography
Date(s), location 15 - 18 Sep 1964, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Editor(s) Dahl-Jensen, Erik (ed.)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 1965 - 601 p.
Series (CERN Yellow Reports: Conference Proceedings)
DOI e-proceedings: 10.5170/CERN-1965-004-V-2
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Copyright/License CC-BY-3.0

Corresponding record in: KEK ; Inspire
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Enregistrement de traces individuelles dans divers matériaux solides (I/1-8)
by Debeauvais, M
Dosimétrie de neutrons lents par enregistrement des traces de fission dans les isolants (I/12-20)
by Mory, J
Décoration des traces de particules chargées dans les monocristaux de chlorure d'argent (I/21-27)
by Bilwes-Giradin, L
Etude des traces de particules induites par les interactions du rayonnement cosmique dans les minéraux (I/9-11)
by Maurette, M
Investigations on the topography of the latent image (II/1-10)
by Moisar, E
Sur la dispersion relative de l'image latente (II/11-16)
by Nicolae, M
Différenciation au microscope électronique d'émulsions d'origines diverses ayant subi des irradiations $\alpha$ ou $\beta$ (II/17-18)
by Riedel, G
Method for increasing the stability of sensitivity and latent image of nuclear emulsions (II/19-28)
by Romanovskaya, C M
Latensification de l'image latente dans les émulsions ionographiques (II/29-42)
by Schmitt, R
Kinetics of the replacement of silver ions by gold-silver in development centres (II/43)
by Veprik, J M
The sensitivity centres and latent image distribution as factors of nuclear emulsion properties (II/44-49)
by Zizic, B
A study of threshold oxidation and development of latent image formed by charged particles in nuclear emulsions (II/50-64)
by Kocherov, N P
Sur les centres de sensibilité et les centres de développement de l'émulsion nucléaire non sensibilisée (II/65-74)
by Samoylovich, D M
Sur les centres de sensibilité des émulsions nucléaires sensibilisées successivement d'or et de triéthanolamine (II/75-88)
by Samoylovich, D M
Sur la préparation et les caractéristiques d'une émulsion nucléaire très concentrée (III/1-4)
by Apostol, A
Loading of emulsions with diamonds and polystyrene for experiments with stopping K-particles (III/12-16)
by Davis, Dianne M
Loading of nuclear emulsion with light and heavy elements (III/17-20)
by Ganquli, S N
Fundamental aspects of growth and shape of photographic silver halide crystals (III/21-30)
by Klein, E
Application of synthetic polymers in manufacturing fine grained emulsions (III/31-59)
by Fadina, E V
Preparation of emulsion stacks for underground cosmic ray experiments (III/5-11)
by Cottrell, Don M
Tests on emulsion sensitivity at liquid H2 temperature (IV/1-4)
by CERN Emulsion Group
Properties of new NIKFI and ORWO nuclear emulsions (IV/16-22)
by Krecker, U
The properties of fine-grained nuclear emulsion type PR-2 (IV/23-32)
by Perfilov, N A
Sensibilité des émulsions Ilford K5 normales et hypersensibilisées aux basses températures (IV/33-40)
by Ben Sedrine, T
Hypersensibilisation comparative triethanolamine et autres sensibilisateurs alcalins de l'emulsion nucleaire (IV/41-48)
by Samoyilovich, D M
Regression of sensitivity and latent image in nuclear and light-sensitive photographic emulsions (IV/5-15)
by Kartuzhanskii, A L
Range difference between positive and negative pions in emulsion (IX/1-8)
by Barkas, W H
On the "scattering constant" in nuclear emulsions (IX/14-22)
by Sood, P M
Relativistic increase in track blob density in various nuclear emulsions (IX/23-31)
by Herz, A J
Study of the multiple scattering constant in emulsion at great cell lengths (IX/32-40)
by Bozoki, G
Ionization-momentum dependence for electrons and positrons of high-energy (IX/41-43)
by Zhdanov, G B
Artificial construction of particle tracks by a Monte Carlo method (IX/44-47)
by Smith, F M
On the width of heavy ion tracks in emulsion (IX/48-61)
by Katz, R
Ionization density in emulsions enriched with hydrogen (IX/62-70)
by Tolstov, K D
Emulsion grain density in the extreme relativistic region (IX/9-13)
by Buskirk, F R
Un révélateur pour la photographie nucléaire (V/1-8)
by Bogomolov, C S
L'automatisation du processus de développement isothermique de l'émulsion nucléaire (V/17-22)
by Raybov, V D
An investigation of factors which influence the quality of physical development (V/22-34)
by Samoylovich, D M
Theoretical grounds for the selection of developing agent for introducing it into the nuclear emulsion (V/9-16)
by Veprik, Y M
On correlation between distortion in nuclear emulsions and successive differences used in multiple scattering measurements (VI/1-10)
by Aditya, P K
Distortion and spurious scattering in NIKFI-R nuclear emulsions (VI/11-22)
by Krecker, U
The Problem of spurious scattering in nuclear emulsions (VI/23-30)
by Fenyves, E
On the measurement of coulomb scattering in the presence of track distortion and spurious scattering (VI/31-36)
by Friedländer, E M
Some results on spurious scattering in photographic emulsions (VI/37-52)
by Rao, G K
An investigation into spurious scattering in photographic emulsions (VI/53-64)
by Rao, Y V
Dispositif semi-automatique de mesure de largeur de traces. Semi-automation en photographie corpusculaire (VII/1-14)
by Annoni, H
Device for measurements of multiple scattering and of track curvatures in nuclear emulsions (VII/15-19)
by Bott-Bodenhausen, M
A semi-automatic device for analysing tracks in nuclear emulsions (VII/20-27)
by Breuer, K
A mechanical analog computer for range and angle measurements in nuclear emulsions (VII/28-33)
by Hitzeroth, W
Apparatus for automatization of ionization measurements in bubble chamber film and nuclear emulsion (VII/34)
by Lorenz, E
Automatic following in nuclear emulsions (VII/35-38)
by Duff, M J
Further development of the apparatus for measurements of the particle tracks in photoemulsions by the television method (VII/39-47)
by Belovitsky, G E
Optimum multiple scattering (VIII/1-7)
by Greiner, D E
Registration of $\alpha$-particle "stars" produced by radioactive nuclei and time discrimination of $\alpha$-particle tracks in nuclear emulsions (VIII/17-26)
by Berkovich, I B
Utilisation du microscope électronique en vue de l'observation des traces dans les émulsions ionographiques (VIII/27-33)
by Schmitt, R
On a method of measurement and calculation of fast particle momenta in emulsions exposed in strong magnetic fields (VIII/34-39)
by Shahbazian, B A
Amélioration de la résolution de marquages radioactifs par prise de vues stéréoscopiques en microscopie électronique (VIII/8)
by Riedel, G
Momentum determination of low momentum particles in emulsions exposed to a strong magnetic field (VIII/9-16)
by Villar, E
Autoradiographie de sable par inclusion des grains dans l'émulsion nucléaire (X/1-5)
by Casanova, J
Nuclear emulsion experiments on sounding rockets and satellites (X/13-18)
by Guss, D E
Emulsion experiments in oriented polar orbiting satellites (X/19-32)
by Heckmann, H H
The use of gas targets for scattering experiments (X/33-36)
by Hitzeroth, W
Comparison of $\pi^{0}$ intensity measurements in emulsions and bubble chambers (X/37-43)
by King, D T
Film dosimetry with inhibited development (X/44-46)
by Kubal, J
Measurement of the $\beta$-particle distribution of mass selected fission fragments with nuclear emulsions (X/47-53)
by Opower, H
Nuclear emulsions as detectors of fall-out (X/54-56)
by Ortalli-Ducci, I
Using photo-emulsion in proton dynamic polarization conditions (X/57-60)
by Luschikov, W I
Etoiles créées par les mésons $\pi$ au repos : nature des branches de charge unité(X/6-12)
by Dellagi, M
On photo-emulsion experiments with hydrogen-jet target (X/61-66)
by Tolstov, K D
Le facteur de contraction des émulsions nucléaires Ilford G5 employées en spectrographie alpha (X/67-73)
by Gomar, G
The use of nuclear emulsions in association with spark chambers (X/74-84)
by Burhop, E H S

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 Record created 1995-02-08, last modified 2021-08-10

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