| Geant4 electromagnetic physics progress |
Ivanchenko, Vladimir (CERN ; Tomsk State U.) ; Bagulya, Alexander (Lebedev Inst.) ; Bakr, Samer (Wollongong U.) ; Bandieramonte, Marilena (CERN ; U. Pittsburgh (main)) ; Bernard, Denis (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Bordage, Marie-Claude (CRCT, Toulouse) ; Burkhardt, Helmut (CERN) ; Dondero, Paolo (Columbus Supercond., Genova) ; Grichine, Vladimir (Lebedev Inst.) ; Guatelli, Susanna (Wollongong U.) ; Hřivnáčová, Ivana (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Incerti, Sebastien (CENBG, Gradignan) ; Kadri, Omrane (King Saud U.) ; Konstantinov, Dmitri (Serpukhov, IHEP) ; Kyriakou, Ioanna (Ioannina U.) ; Maire, Michel (Geant4 Assoc.) ; Mantero, Alfonso (Columbus Supercond., Genova) ; RamosMendez, Jose (San Francisco U.) ; Novak, Mihaly (CERN) ; Pandola, Luciano (INFN, LNS) ; Sakata, Dousatsu (NIRS, Chiba) ; Sawkey, Daren (Varian Assoc., Palo Alto) ; Semeniouk, Igor (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Shin, Wook Geun (CENBG, Gradignan) ; Tran, Ngoc Hoang (CENBG, Gradignan) ; Urban, Laszlo (Geant4 Assoc.) 显示全部 26 名作者 |
| 2020 |
Number of pages
| 6 |
| EPJ Web Conf. 245 (2020) 02009 |
| 24th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Adelaide, Australia, 4 - 8 Nov 2019, pp.02009 |
| 10.1051/epjconf/202024502009
Subject category
| Computing and Computers ; Particle Physics - Experiment |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment
| The Geant4 electromagnetic (EM) physics sub-packages are a component of LHC experiment simulations. During long shutdown 2 for LHC, these packages are under intensive development and we report progress of EM physics in Geant4 versions 10.5 and 10.6, which includes faster computation, more accurate EM models, and extensions to the validation suite. New approaches are developed to simulate radiation damage for silicon vertex detectors and for configuration of multiple scattering per detector region. Improvements in user interfaces developed for low-energy and the Geant4-DNA project are used also for LHC simulation optimisation. |
| © 2020-2025 The authors (License: CC-BY-4.0) |