| FLUKA: performances and applications in the intermediate energy range |
| Fasso, A (CERN) ; Ferrari, A (INFN, Milan) ; Ranft, J (INFN, Milan) ; Sala, Paola Raffaella (INFN, Milan) |
Number of pages
| 18 |
Presented at
| 1st Specialists' Meeting on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities - SATIF1, Arlington, TX, USA, 28 - 29 Apr 1994, pp.287-304 |
Subject category
| Accelerators and Storage Rings |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment
| The FLUKA Monte Carlo code has been recently improved in the low and in the intermediate energy range. New physical models have been implemented concerning both hadronic and electromagnetic interactions, and neutron transport has been extended to thermal energies. The code has also been provided with powerful variance reduction options, which make it very suitable for deep penetration calculations. Thanks to all these new features FLUKA is now especially adapted to solve problems connected with accelerators of the new generation, not only in the shielding domain bu also in that of particle physics, waste transmutation, radiotherapy, and synchrotron radiation. |
Other source
| Inspire |