CERN Accélérateur de science

Published Articles
Report number AIDA-2020-CONF-2020-013
Title Sector DC Dipoles Design for the Beam Test Facility Upgrade
Author(s) Vannozzi, A. (INFN-LNF) ; Lauciani, S. (INFN-LNF) ; Pellegrino, L. (INFN-LNF) ; Sabbatini, L. (INFN-LNF) ; Sanelli, C. (INFN-LNF) ; Sensolini, G. (INFN-LNF) ; Valente, P. (INFN-Roma)
Publication 2020
Imprint 2018-05-03
In: 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 29 Apr - 4 May 2018
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques ; 15: Upgrade of beam and irradiation test infrastructure
Abstract The Beam Test Facility (BTF) is part of the DAΦNE accelerators system of INFN Frascati National Laboratory (LNF). It is a transfer-line optimized for selection, attenuation and manipulation of electrons and positrons extracted from the DAΦNE LINAC. An upgrade of the line is scheduled by the end of 2018 in order to reach a beam energy of 920 MeV (compared to the actual 750 MeV), and adding a new branch to the present transfer line, in order to use two different beam lines. The layout of the new lines foresees seven new quadrupoles, one fast ramped dipole, two H-shape sector dipoles, and finally a C-shape sector dipole. In this paper, the magnets requirements, all the magnetic design aspects of the two H-shape and of the C-shape sector dipoles shall be presented, including the Finite Elements Analysis (F.E.A.), the sizing of the water-cooling and an overview of the status of the manufacturing.

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