Home > Parton densities with Parton Branching method and applications |
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Title | Parton densities with Parton Branching method and applications |
Author(s) | Martinez, A Bermudez (DESY) ; Connor, P (DESY) ; Hautmann, F (Oxford U. ; Antwerp U.) ; Jung, H (DESY) ; Lelek, A (DESY) ; Radescu, V (Oxford U. ; CERN) ; Zlebčík, R (DESY) |
Publication | 2018 |
Number of pages | 4 |
In: | 53rd Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Interactions, La Thuile, Italy, 17 - 24 Mar 2018, pp.207-210 |
Subject category | Particle Physics - Phenomenology |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | CERN LHC |
Abstract | We present results from a parton branching solution of the QCD evolution equations which includes the transverse momentum distributions for all parton flavours. The transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton densities were extracted by fitting inclusive HERA DIS data with two alternative evolution scenarios. In both cases the same ordering variable is used, but as αS argument in the branching we use either the evolution scale or $p_T$. The resulting distributions differ mainly in the gluon component at low scales and/or small $k_T$ region. This was demonstrated by two phenomenological applications from LHC – the $Z$ boson $p_T$ spectrum and the azimuthal decorrelation of two leading jets. |
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