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CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 20th International Vacuum Electronics Conference
Related conference title(s) IVEC 2019
Date(s), location 28 Apr - 1 May 2019, Busan, South Korea
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint IEEE, 2019
ISBN 9781538675359 (print version, paperback)
9781538675342 (electronic version)
Subject category Engineering

Corresponding record in: INSPIRE
Contributions in Inspire: C19-04-28
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Design study of the electron beamline, and the beam optimization for the AWAKE RUN 2 experiment at CERN (p. 1)
by Kim, S Y
Klystron efficiency optimization based on a genetic algorithm
by Pierrick, Hamel

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 Record created 2019-09-13, last modified 2021-07-30

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