| In this note prospects for the measurement of the inclusive jet, dijet, inclusive prompt photon and photon+jet production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at 14 and 27 TeV are presented. Double differential predictions for the inclusive jet cross sections as a function of the absolute jet rapidity and jet transverse momentum and the dijet spectrum as a function of half the absolute rapidity separation between the two highest transverse momentum jets and the invariant mass of these two jets are evaluated. Relevant uncertainties, including the individual contributions to the jet energy scale uncertainty, are calculated for jets with $p_\textrm{T}>100$ GeV within jet rapidity $|y|<3$. Expectations for inclusive isolated photons are presented in terms of cross sections differentially in photon transverse energy in different ranges of photon pseudorapidity. Estimations for photon+jet events are described in terms of distributions in photon transverse energy, jet transverse momentum, invariant mass of the photon+jet system and $|\cos\theta^*|$. The study covers the region of photon transverse energies above 400 GeV and jet transverse momenta in excess of 300 GeV. A good understanding of these processes is of relevance for searches for new phenomena beyond the Standard Model. The sensitivity of these processes to the parton distribution functions in the proton is also shown. |