CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-2018-011-CP
Conference title ICFA Mini-Workshop on Tracking for Collimation in Particle Accelerators
CERN Yellow Report Front Cover
Date(s), location 30 Oct 2015, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Editor(s) Redaelli, S. (ed.) (CERN)
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 2018 - 220 p..
Series (CERN Yellow Reports: Conference Proceedings ; 2/2018)
ISBN 9789290835219 (print version, paperback)
DOI e-proceedings: 10.23732/CYRCP-2018-002
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract The ICFA workshop on “Tracking for Collimation in Particle Accelerators” was held on 30 October 2015 as a satellite meeting to the 5th Joint High-Luminosity LHC/LARP Collaboration meeting. This event gathered together various experts participating to the development and exploitation of codes for simulating the performance of collimation systems in super-colliders. This was the first topical workshop or- ganised on this subject, and was motivated by the significant effort developed in recent years on this topics. In particular, it provided a forum for the discussion between various participants to the European Programmes with FP7 Capacity who collaborated on collimation activities for the upgrade of the LHC collimation system. We in- vited also colleagues from laboratories in USA and extended the discussions to other operating or past particles accelerators. The scopew was extended to include the preparation of written proceedings for each contributions, to document the status of various simulation codes.
Copyright/License publication: © 2019-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-4.0)

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Contributions in Inspire: C15-10-30.1
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Status of SixTrack with collimation (p. 1)
by Bruce, R.
SixTrack Status (p. 11)
by De Maria, R.
FLUKA coupling to Sixtrack (p. 17)
by Skordis, E.
Status of MERLIN (p. 27)
by Rafique, H.
BDSIM: Automatic Geant4 Models of Accelerators (p. 45)
by Nevay, L.J.
MARS15-Based System for Beam Loss and Collimation Studies (p. 57)
by Mokhov, N.V.
Simulation Tools for Heavy-Ion Tracking and Collimation (p. 73)
by Hermes, P.D.
Crystal implementation in SixTrack for proton beams (p. 91)
by Mirarchi, D.
Updated implementation of collimator materials in SixTrack and MERLIN codes (p. 109)
by Quaranta, E.
Dynamic simulations in SixTrack (p. 123)
by Sjøbak, Kyrre
HL-LHC Hollow Electron Lens Integration using MERLIN (p. 135)
by Rafique, H.
First simulations of collimation cleaning performance for the FCC-hh (p. 171)
by Fiascaris, M.
Simulations of collimation losses at RHIC (p. 181)
by Robert-Demolaize, G.
Simulation and optimization of beam losses during continuous transfer extraction at the CERN Proton Synchrotron (p. 189)
by Barranco García, J.
FLUKA-SIXTRACK Coupling for the SPS Scrapers (p. 205)
by Appleby, R.B.

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 Record created 2018-11-13, last modified 2021-07-30

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