CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Title Cross-wake force and correlated head-tail instability in beam-beam collisions with a large crossing angle
Author(s) Kuroo, Nami (KEK, Tsukuba ; Tsukuba U. (main)) ; Ohmi, Kazuhito (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Oide, Katsunobu (KEK, Tsukuba ; CERN) ; Zhou, Demin (KEK, Tsukuba ; CERN) ; Zimmermann, Frank (CERN)
Publication 2018
Number of pages 15
In: Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 21 (2018) 031002
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.21.031002
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract This paper discusses novel coherent beam-beam instability in collisions with a large crossing angle. The instability appears in the correlated head-tail motion of two colliding beams. A cross-wake force, which is localized at the collision point, is introduced to represent the head-tail correlation between colliding beams. A mode-coupling theory based on this localized cross-wake force enables us to explain the correlated heal-tail instability. The use of a collision scheme with a large crossing angle is becoming popular in the design of electron–positron colliders. An example thereof is the SuperKEKB project, in which a collision with a large crossing angle is performed to boost the luminosity to $0.8 \times 10^{36} \text{ cm}^{-2} \text{s}^{-1}$. Future circular colliders will also be designed with a large crossing angle. Strong-strong simulations, which have shown the first coherent head-tail instability, can limit the performance of proposed future colliders. The mechanism whereby this instability occurs is mode coupling due to the cross-wake force. This instability may affect all collider designs based on the crab waist scheme.
Copyright/License publication: © 2018-2025 authors (License: CC-BY-4.0)

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