Searches for new phenomena in final states involving leptons and jets using the ATLAS detector |
by Pascuzzi, Vincent |
Searches for high-mass resonances in fully leptonic final states |
by Falke, Peter Johannes |
SUSY searches - electroweak production (ATLAS and CMS) |
by Camacho Toro, Reina |
Search for di-Higgs production with 36 fb^{-1} of data |
by Petit, Elisabeth |
Searches for non-Standard Model decays to a light meson and a photon of the Higgs boson |
by Owen, Rhys Edward |
Exotic searches: prompt signatures |
by Cid Vidal, Xabier |
Quark flavour physics |
by Reichert, Stefanie |
Flavour Anomalies in Rare Decays at LHCb |
by Ramos Pernas, Miguel |
CP violation in B decays at LHCb |
by Garcia Pardinas, Julian |
Mixing and CP Violation in Charm at LHCb |
by Alexander, Michael Thomas |
Exotic searches - long-lived signatures |
by Jeanty, Laura |
Measurement of cross sections and properties of the Higgs boson in decays to bosons |
by Angelidakis, Stylianos |
Searches for sleptons with the ATLAS detector |
by Antrim, Daniel Joseph |
ATLAS Searches for Diboson Resonances |
by Chiodini, Gabriele |
Searches for Dark Matter mediators with the ATLAS Detector |
by Crépé-Renaudin, Sabine |
Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles involving the Higgs boson and the higgsino with ATLAS |
by Resseguie, Elodie Deborah |
Performance of Missing Transverse Momentum (MET) reconstruction in High Pileup |
by Valente, Marco |
Searches for charginos and neutralinos with the ATLAS detector |
by Klein, Matthew Henry |
Studies of Higgs boson production in association with a ttbar pair |
by Held, Alexander |
Measurements and searches of Higgs boson decays to two fermions |
by Fiorini, Luca |
Dark Matter searches with the ATLAS Detector |
by Queitsch-maitland, Michaela |
Hunting for squarks and gluinos in less conventional scenarios with ATLAS |
by Nelson, Michael Edward |
Search for displaced lepton jets with the ATLAS experiment |
by Salvatore, Daniela |
Searches for direct pair production of stops and sbottoms with the ATLAS detector |
by Luedtke, Christian |
Reconstruction techniques in SUSY searches in the ATLAS experiment |
by Liu, Jesse Kar Kee |
Search for Vector-Like Quarks in ATLAS |
by Madar, Romain |
Searches for squarks and gluinos in signatures with long-lived particles with ATLAS |
by Krauss, Dominik |
Highlights of top-quark production measurements at ATLAS and CMS |
by Bessidskaia Bylund, Olga |
Searches for R-parity violating and long-lived SUSY scenarios with the ATLAS detector |
by Magerl, Veronika |
Highlights of top-quark properties measurements at ATLAS and CMS |
by Chen, Xin |