CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 26th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY2018)
Related conference title(s) SUSY2018
Date(s), location 23 - 27 Jul 2018, Barcelona, Spain
Imprint 2018
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Searches for new phenomena in final states involving leptons and jets using the ATLAS detector
by Pascuzzi, Vincent
Searches for high-mass resonances in fully leptonic final states
by Falke, Peter Johannes
SUSY searches - electroweak production (ATLAS and CMS)
by Camacho Toro, Reina
Search for di-Higgs production with 36 fb^{-1} of data
by Petit, Elisabeth
Searches for non-Standard Model decays to a light meson and a photon of the Higgs boson
by Owen, Rhys Edward
Exotic searches: prompt signatures
by Cid Vidal, Xabier
Quark flavour physics
by Reichert, Stefanie
Flavour Anomalies in Rare Decays at LHCb
by Ramos Pernas, Miguel
CP violation in B decays at LHCb
by Garcia Pardinas, Julian
Mixing and CP Violation in Charm at LHCb
by Alexander, Michael Thomas
Exotic searches - long-lived signatures
by Jeanty, Laura
Measurement of cross sections and properties of the Higgs boson in decays to bosons
by Angelidakis, Stylianos
Searches for sleptons with the ATLAS detector
by Antrim, Daniel Joseph
ATLAS Searches for Diboson Resonances
by Chiodini, Gabriele
Searches for Dark Matter mediators with the ATLAS Detector
by Crépé-Renaudin, Sabine
Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles involving the Higgs boson and the higgsino with ATLAS
by Resseguie, Elodie Deborah
Performance of Missing Transverse Momentum (MET) reconstruction in High Pileup
by Valente, Marco
Searches for charginos and neutralinos with the ATLAS detector
by Klein, Matthew Henry
Studies of Higgs boson production in association with a ttbar pair
by Held, Alexander
Measurements and searches of Higgs boson decays to two fermions
by Fiorini, Luca
Dark Matter searches with the ATLAS Detector
by Queitsch-maitland, Michaela
Hunting for squarks and gluinos in less conventional scenarios with ATLAS
by Nelson, Michael Edward
Search for displaced lepton jets with the ATLAS experiment
by Salvatore, Daniela
Searches for direct pair production of stops and sbottoms with the ATLAS detector
by Luedtke, Christian
Reconstruction techniques in SUSY searches in the ATLAS experiment
by Liu, Jesse Kar Kee
Search for Vector-Like Quarks in ATLAS
by Madar, Romain
Searches for squarks and gluinos in signatures with long-lived particles with ATLAS
by Krauss, Dominik
Highlights of top-quark production measurements at ATLAS and CMS
by Bessidskaia Bylund, Olga
Searches for R-parity violating and long-lived SUSY scenarios with the ATLAS detector
by Magerl, Veronika
Highlights of top-quark properties measurements at ATLAS and CMS
by Chen, Xin

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 2018-07-07, last modified 2018-07-07