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Report number GSI-94-01 ; GSI-PRE-94-01
Title Low-energy fission studies of neutron-deficient projectile fragments of $^{238}$U
Author(s) Schmidt, K H ; Heinz, A ; Clerc, H G ; Blank, B ; Brohm, T ; Czajkowski, S ; Donzaud, C ; Geissel, H ; Hanelt, E ; Irnich, H ; Itkis, M G ; De Jong, M ; Junghans, A ; Magel, A ; Münzenberg, G ; Nickel, F ; Pfützner, M ; Piechaczek, A ; Röhl, C ; Scheidenberger, C ; Schwab, W ; Steinhäuser, S ; Sümmerer, K ; Trinder, W ; Voss, B ; Zhdanov, S V
Publication 1994
Imprint Jan 1994
Number of pages 8
Subject category Nuclear Physics


 Записът е създаден на 1994-01-24, последна промяна на 2014-12-16

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