CERN Accelerating science

Report number FERMILAB-FN-580 ; FN-580
Title KTeV design report : physics goals, technical components, and detector costs
Author(s) Arisaka, K ; Freeman, W ; Barker, A ; Bock, G J ; Cheu, E ; Childress, S ; Cihangir, S ; Coleman, R ; Crisler, M ; Currier, R ; Czarapata, P C ; Enagonio, J ; Fast, R W ; Ford, R ; Gollin, G ; Goloskie, D ; Haas, P ; Hogan, W ; Hsiung, Y B ; Jensen, D ; Kilmer, J ; Kim, S ; Malensek, A J ; Myung, S S ; Ping, G ; Quackenbush, J ; Ramberg, E ; Ray, R ; Roodman, A ; Schmitt, R ; Schnetzer, S R ; Shawhan, P S ; Somalwar, S V ; Swallow, E C ; Szymulanski, A ; Thomson, G ; Tschirhart, R S ; Volk, J T ; Wah, Y ; Wands, B ; Weaver, M ; Wilson, A ; Winstein, Bruce D ; Winston, R ; Yamanaka, T ; Slater, W
Publication Batavia, IL : FERMILAB, 1992 - 282.
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques

 Запись создана 1993-12-17, последняя модификация 2016-07-01

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