CERN Accelerating science

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Report number SSCL-P-447 ; SSCL-Preprint-447
Title Overview of an 80 K liner design for synchrotron light interception in SSCL collider
Author(s) Shu, Q S ; Chou, W ; Clark, D ; Clay, W ; Goren, Y ; Kersevan, Borut P ; Kovachev, V ; Kraushaar, P ; Leung, K ; Maddocks, J ; Martin, D ; Meyer, D ; Mihelic, R ; Morales, G ; Simmons, J ; Snitchler, G ; Tuli, M ; Turner, W ; Walling, L ; Yu, K ; Zbasnik, J
Publication 1993
Imprint May 1993
Number of pages 8
Presented at 15th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 17 - 20 May 1993
Subject category Engineering


 ჩანაწერი შექმნილია 1993-08-04, ბოლოს შესწორებულია 2014-12-16