Contributions to this conference in CDS
Design concept and first experimental validation of the superfluid system for the large hadron collider (LHC) project at CERN (p. 118) |
by Casas-Cubillos, J |
Helium cooling systems for large superconducting physics detector magnets (p. 126) |
by Green, M A |
Operation of a forced flow superfluid helium test facility and first results (p. 134) |
by Rousset, B |
Long-term operational experience and upgrade of the cryogenic system for the superconducting cavities in the CERN SPS accelerator (p. 146) |
by Passardi, Giorgio |
Status of cryogenics for the LEP200 energy upgrade project at CERN (p. 151) |
by Barranco-Luque, M |
Design of LHC prototype dipole cryostats (p. 191) |
by Brunet, J C |
Precision heat inleak measurements on cryogenic components at 80 K, 4.2 K and 1.8 K (p. 215) |
by Danielsson, H |
Superconducting dipole moment correction coils for a free-flying version of ASTROMAG (p. 332) |
by Green, M A |
Superconducting final focus for the SLAC linear collider (p. 344) |
by Ash, William W |
Show contributions in CDS
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