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Report number SSCL-P-147 ; SSCL-Preprint-147
Title Quench characteristics of 5-cm-aperture, 15-m-long SSC dipole magnet prototypes
Author(s) Nah, W ; Akhmedov, A I ; Anerella, M ; Bossert, R ; Bush, T O ; Capone, D W ; Carson, J ; Coombes, R ; Cottingham, J G ; Delchamps, S W ; Devred, Arnaud ; Di Marco, J ; Ganetis, G ; Garber, M J ; Goodzeit, C L ; Ghosh, A ; Gourlay, S A ; Greene, A ; Gupta, R ; Hanft, R ; Jain, A ; Kahn, S ; Kelly, E ; Koska, W ; Kuchnir, M ; Kuzminski, J ; Lamm, M J ; Mantsch, P M ; Mazur, P O ; Morgan, G ; Muratore, J ; Ogitsu, T ; Orris, D ; Ozelis, J P ; Peterson, T ; Pewitt, E G ; Prodell, A G ; Puglisi, M ; Radusewicz, P ; Rehak, M ; Rohrer, E P ; Royet, J ; Sampson, W ; Sanger, P L ; Scanlan, R M ; Schermer, R ; Shutt, R P ; Stiening, R F ; Strait, J B ; Taylor, C ; Thomas, R ; Thompson, P ; Tompkins, J C ; Turner, J ; Wake, M ; Wanderer, P J ; Willen, E ; Yu, Y ; Zbasnik, J P ; Zhao, Y ; Zheng, H
Publication 1992
Collaboration Magnet Test Analysis Group
Imprint Aug 1992
Number of pages 4
Note Five papers bound together
Presented at Applied Superconductivity Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 23 - 28 Aug 1992
Subject category Engineering


 Record created 1992-11-04, last modified 2008-11-13