Report number
| SLAC-PUB-5713 |
| The limited streamer tubes system for the SLD warm iron calorimeter |
Benvenuti, Alberto C ; Camanzi, B ; Piemontese, L ; Zucchelli, P ; Calcaterra, A ; De Sangro, R ; De Simone, P ; De Simone, S ; Gallinaro, M ; Peruzzi, I ; Piccolo, M ; Burrows, P N ; Busza, W ; Cartwright, S L ; Fuess, S ; González, S ; Hansl-Kozanecka, Traudl ; Lath, A ; Lyons, T ; Osborne, L S ; Rosenson, L ; Schneekloth, U ; Taylor, F E ; Verdier, R ; Williams, D C ; Yamartino, J M ; Bacchetta, N ; Bisello, D ; Castro, A ; Galvagni, S ; Loreti, M ; Pescara, L ; Wyss, J ; Battisson, R ; Biasini, M ; Bilei, G M ; Checcucci, B ; Mancinelli, G ; Mantovani, G C ; Pauluzzi, M ; Santocchia, A ; Servoli, L ; Carpinelli, M ; Castaldi, R ; Cazzola, U ; Dell'Orso, R ; Pieroni, E ; Vannini, C ; Verdini, P G ; Byers, B L ; Escalera, J ; Kharakh, D ; Messner, R L ; Zdarko, R W ; Johnson, J R Visualizza tutti i 55 autori |
| 1992 |
| Jan 1992 |
Number of pages
| 8 |
| 2nd International Conference on Calorimetry in High-energy Physics, Capri, Italy, 14 - 18 Oct 1991, pp.474-478 |
Subject category
| Detectors and Experimental Techniques |