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Contributions to this conference in CDS
First results on the $K^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}$ decay search from NA62 (p. 1002) |
by Duk, Viacheslav |
Recent results from the ALICE Experiment at LHC (p. 1004) |
by Ristea, Catalin |
SHiP project as a new facility at intensity frontier (p. 2001) |
by Shevchenko, V |
First results on precision constraints on $Z - Z′$ mixing with ATLAS and CMS diboson production data at the LHC at 13 TeV and predictions for Run II (p. 2006) |
by Pankov, Alexander |
Top FCNC searches at HL-LHC with the CMS experiment (p. 2009) |
by Mandrik, Petr |
The CMS Particle Flow Algorithm (p. 2016) |
by Dordevic, Milos |
Direct photon production in pp, p–Pb and Pb–Pb collisions measured with the ALICE experiment (p. 5001) |
by Peresunko, D |
News from the NA61/SHINE experiment (p. 5002) |
by Andronov, Evgeny |
Open Charm measurements at the NA61 experiment at CERN SPS (p. 5003) |
by Larsen, Dag |
Tests of Lepton-flavour universality and related anomalies at LHCb |
by Beliy, Nikita |
The CMS Particle Flow algorithm |
by Dordevic, Milos |
Show contributions in CDS
Record created 2018-05-17, last modified 2018-08-29