CERN Accélérateur de science

Report number arXiv:1802.02416 ; KCL-PH-TH-2018-02 ; CERN-TH-2018-014 ; IPMU-18-0022
Title Constraining Gluonic Quartic Gauge Coupling Operators with ggγγ
Author(s) Ellis, John (CERN ; King's Coll. London ; NICPB, Tallinn) ; Ge, Shao-Feng (Tokyo U., IPMU ; UC, Berkeley)
Publication 2018-07-24
Imprint 2018-02-07
Number of pages 6
Note 5 pages, 4 figures; to appear in PRL
In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 (2018) 041801
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.041801
Subject category hep-ex ; Particle Physics - Experiment ; hep-ph ; Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract Gluon-gluon to photon-photon scattering ggγγ offers to the LHC experiments a uniquely powerful probe of dimension-8 operators in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) that are quadratic in both the electromagnetic and gluonic field-strength tensors, such as would appear in the Born-Infeld extension of the Standard Model (SM). We use 13-TeV ATLAS data on the production of isolated photon pairs to set lower limits on the scales of dimension-8 operators M1 TeV, and discuss the prospective sensitivities of possible future hadron colliders.
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Publication: © 2018-2025 authors

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 Notice créée le 2018-02-26, modifiée le 2023-03-14

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