CMS Higgs boson results (p. 3) |
by Bluj, Michal Jacek |
Higgs physics with hadronic signatures at ATLAS and CMS (p. 7) |
by Schroder, Matthias |
SM higgs production and decay at the LHC (p. 11) |
by Spira, M |
Better Higgs Measurements through Information Geometry (p. 15) |
by Brehmer, Johann |
Recent LHCb measurements of CP violation and mixing in beauty and charm (p. 61) |
by Tellarini, G |
Rare decays, radiative decays and b→sℓ+ℓ− transitions at LHCb (p. 77) |
by Crocombe, A |
Lepton Flavour Universality tests with B decays at LHCb (p. 89) |
by Albrecht, Johannes |
Explaining the Flavour Anomalies with Leptoquarks (p. 93) |
by Crivellin, Andreas |
Searches for exotic Higgs bosons with the ATLAS and CMS experiments (p. 135) |
by Raspereza, A |
Searches with boosted objects at ATLAS and CMS (p. 151) |
by Moran, Dermot Anthony |
The doubly charged scalar: current status and perspectives (p. 159) |
by Ghezzi, Margherita |
The Hyperbolic Higgs (p. 171) |
by Mccullough, Matthew |
Searches for new resonances in dijet and dilepton final states with the ATLAS and CMS detectors (p. 177) |
by Goldouzian, Reza |
Search for leptoquarks at CMS (p. 181) |
by Morse, David Michael |
Search for dark photons at NA62 (p. 185) |
by Mirra, Marco |
Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis, early universe and relic particles (p. 189) |
by Arbey, A |
News on the CLIC Physics Potential (p. 199) |
by Watson, Nigel |
Parton densities with Parton Branching method and applications (p. 207) |
by Martinez, A Bermudez |
Soft QCD at CMS and ATLAS (p. 229) |
by Starovoitov, Pavel |
Multiplicity and Underlying Event in ALICE: as measurements and as tools to probe QCD (p. 233) |
by Zaccolo, Valentina |
QCD with jets and photons at ATLAS and CMS (p. 237) |
by Ulrich, Ralf Matthias |
Computing Planar Five-Gluon Amplitudes with Numerical Unitarity (p. 241) |
by Abreu, Samuel |
The Higgs, the Inflaton and a Possible Connection to LHC (p. 245) |
by Karčiauskas, Mindaugas |
Forward-backward b-quark asymmetry at the Z pole: QCD uncertainties redux (p. 253) |
by d'Enterria, David |
First measurement of elastic, inelastic and total cross-section, determination of the ρ parameter at √s= 13 TeV by TOTEM and an evidence for odderon (p. 259) |
by Kašpar, J |
Measurement of jets and photons with the ALICE experiment at the LHC (p. 267) |
by Leardini, L. |
Measuring hydrodynamical expansion via the production of identified hadrons in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE (p. 271) |
by Jacazio, Nicolò |
Heavy ion measurements at ATLAS and CMS (p. 275) |
by Chapon, Emilien |
Bounds on dark matter annihilations from 21cm data (p. 275) |
by D'Amico, Guido |
Hard probes with p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions and fixed target results at LHCb (p. 279) |
by Fleuret, F |
Precise predictions for the angular coefficients in Z-boson production (p. 297) |
by Gauld, R |
Electroweak scale physics & exotic searches at LHCb (p. 303) |
by Lupton, Oliver |
Searches for Electroweak Signatures of Supersymmetry at ATLAS and CMS (p. 307) |
by Khoo, Teng Jian |
Precision measurement of the form factors of semileptonic charged kaon decays from NA48/2 (p. 315) |
by Shkarovskiy, S |
Theory of rare kaon decays (p. 319) |
by D'Ambrosio, Giancarlo |
Searches for Dark Matter Particles at the LHC (p. 327) |
by Felcini, Marta |
A Tale of Two Scales: Screening in Large Scale Structure (p. 343) |
by Fasiello, Matteo |
tt+X Production at ATLAS and CMS |
by Glatzer, Julian Maximilian Volker |
Soft QCD at CMS and ATLAS |
by Starovoitov, Pavel |
Searches for new physics with unconventional signatures at ATLAS and CMS |
by Torro Pastor, Emma |
Searches for dijet and diboson resonances with the ATLAS detector |
by Gwilliam, Carl |
Searches for dark matter at CMS and ATLAS |
by Bierwagen, Katharina |
Higgs cross-section measurements at ATLAS and CMS |
by Duehrssen-Debling, Michael |
Heavy flavour production and properties at CMS and ATLAS |
by Barton, Adam Edward |
Searches for Electroweak SUSY by ATLAS and CMS |
by Khoo, Teng Jian |
Mixing and CP violation in beauty and charm at LHCb |
by Tellarini, Giulia |
Rare decays, radiative decays and b→sℓℓ transitions at LHCb |
by Crocombe, Andrew Christopher |
Lepton Flavour Universality tests with B decays at LHCb |
by Albrecht, Johannes |
Hadron spectroscopy, exotic states and heavy flavour production at LHCb |
by Klaver, Suzanne |
Electroweak scale physics & exotic searches at LHCb |
by Lupton, Olli |
Hard probes with p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions and fixed target results at LHCb |
by Fleuret, Frederic |
Reinterpretation of searches for supersymmetry in models with variable R-parity-violating coupling strength and long-lived R-hadrons |
ATLAS Higgs Results |
by Tuna, Alexander Naip |
Top quark production cross-section and properties at ATLAS and CMS |
by Howarth, James |