CERN Accelerating science

Top: persistent current (in units of $g_{\rm D}$ after application of a calibration constant) after first passage through the magnetometer for all samples. Bottom: results of repeated measurements of candidate samples with absolute measured values in excess of $0.4g_{\rm D}$.
Top: persistent current (in units of $g_{\rm D}$ after application of a calibration constant) after first passage through the magnetometer for all samples. The red curve shows a fit of the measured distribution using a sum of four Gaussian functions. Bottom: results of repeated measurements of candidate samples with absolute measured values in excess of $0.4g_{\rm D}$.
Top: persistent current (in units of $g_{\rm D}$ after application of a calibration constant) after first passage through the magnetometer for all samples. The red curve shows a fit of the measured distribution using a sum of four Gaussian functions. Bottom: results of repeated measurements of candidate samples with absolute measured values in excess of $0.4g_{\rm D}$.
Absolute value of the average persistent-current offset measured with magnetised calibration samples as a function of speed of transport through the magnetometer sensing region.
Feynman diagram for monopole pair production at leading order via the Drell-Yan process at the LHC. The non-perturbative nature of the process is ignored in the interpretation of the search.
Kinematic distributions of kinetic energy (left) and pseudorapidity (right) for monopoles with mass 1500 GeV for the standard (top) and $\beta$-dependent (bottom) photon-monopole couplings in models of Drell-Yan pair production generated by \MADGRAPH. The three different monopole spin hypotheses (0, 1/2, 1) are superimposed.
Kinematic distributions of kinetic energy (left) and pseudorapidity (right) for monopoles with mass 1500 GeV for the standard (top) and $\beta$-dependent (bottom) photon-monopole couplings in models of Drell-Yan pair production generated by \MADGRAPH. The three different monopole spin hypotheses (0, 1/2, 1) are superimposed.
Distributions of kinetic energy (left) and pseudorapidity (right) for monopoles with mass 1500~GeV in models of Drell-Yan pair production generated by \MADGRAPH. The top plots show the standard $\beta$-independent coupling with different spin values (0, 1/2, 1) superimposed; and the bottom plots show spin-1/2 with two types of couplings ($\beta$-independent and $\beta$-dependent) superimposed.
Kinematic distributions of kinetic energy (left) and pseudorapidity (right) for monopoles with mass 1500 GeV for the standard (top) and $\beta$-dependent (bottom) photon-monopole couplings in models of Drell-Yan pair production generated by \MADGRAPH. The three different monopole spin hypotheses (0, 1/2, 1) are superimposed.
Distributions of kinetic energy (left) and pseudorapidity (right) for monopoles with mass 1500~GeV in models of Drell-Yan pair production generated by \MADGRAPH. The top plots show the standard $\beta$-independent coupling with different spin values (0, 1/2, 1) superimposed; and the bottom plots show spin-1/2 with two types of couplings ($\beta$-independent and $\beta$-dependent) superimposed.
Kinematic distributions of kinetic energy (left) and pseudorapidity (right) for monopoles with mass 1500 GeV for the standard (top) and $\beta$-dependent (bottom) photon-monopole couplings in models of Drell-Yan pair production generated by \MADGRAPH. The three different monopole spin hypotheses (0, 1/2, 1) are superimposed.
Distributions of kinetic energy (left) and pseudorapidity (right) for monopoles with mass 1500~GeV in models of Drell-Yan pair production generated by \MADGRAPH. The top plots show the standard $\beta$-independent coupling with different spin values (0, 1/2, 1) superimposed; and the bottom plots show spin-1/2 with two types of couplings ($\beta$-independent and $\beta$-dependent) superimposed.
Distributions of kinetic energy (left) and pseudorapidity (right) for monopoles with mass 1500~GeV in models of Drell-Yan pair production generated by \MADGRAPH. The top plots show the standard $\beta$-independent coupling with different spin values (0, 1/2, 1) superimposed; and the bottom plots show spin-1/2 with two types of couplings ($\beta$-independent and $\beta$-dependent) superimposed.
Cross-section upper limits at 95\% confidence level for the DY monopole pair production model with $\beta$-independent (left) and $\beta$-dependent (right) couplings in 13 TeV $pp$ collisions as a function of mass for spin-0 (top), spin-1/2 (middle) and spin-1 (bottom) monopoles. The colours correspond to different monopole charges. Acceptance loss is dominated by monopoles punching through the trapping volume for $|g|=g_{\rm D}$ while it is dominated by stopping in upstream material for higher charges, explaining the shape difference. The solid lines are cross-section calculations at leading order (LO).
Cross-section upper limits at 95\% confidence level for the DY monopole pair production model with $\beta$-independent (left) and $\beta$-dependent (right) couplings in 13 TeV $pp$ collisions as a function of mass for spin-0 (top), spin-1/2 (middle) and spin-1 (bottom) monopoles. The colours correspond to different monopole charges. Acceptance loss is dominated by monopoles punching through the trapping volume for $|g|=g_{\rm D}$ while it is dominated by stopping in upstream material for higher charges, explaining the shape difference. The solid lines are cross-section calculations at leading order (LO).
Cross-section upper limits at 95\% confidence level for the DY monopole pair production model with $\beta$-independent (left) and $\beta$-dependent (right) couplings in 13 TeV $pp$ collisions as a function of mass for spin-0 (top), spin-1/2 (middle) and spin-1 (bottom) monopoles. The colours correspond to different monopole charges. Acceptance loss is dominated by monopoles punching through the trapping volume for $|g|=g_{\rm D}$ while it is dominated by stopping in upstream material for higher charges, explaining the shape difference. The solid lines are cross-section calculations at leading order (LO).
Cross-section upper limits at 95\% confidence level for the DY monopole pair production model with $\beta$-independent (left) and $\beta$-dependent (right) couplings in 13 TeV $pp$ collisions as a function of mass for spin-0 (top), spin-1/2 (middle) and spin-1 (bottom) monopoles. The colours correspond to different monopole charges. Acceptance loss is dominated by monopoles punching through the trapping volume for $|g|=g_{\rm D}$ while it is dominated by stopping in upstream material for higher charges, explaining the shape difference. The solid lines are cross-section calculations at leading order (LO).
Cross-section upper limits at 95\% confidence level for the DY monopole pair production model with $\beta$-independent (left) and $\beta$-dependent (right) couplings in 13 TeV $pp$ collisions as a function of mass for spin-0 (top), spin-1/2 (middle) and spin-1 (bottom) monopoles. The colours correspond to different monopole charges. Acceptance loss is dominated by monopoles punching through the trapping volume for $|g|=g_{\rm D}$ while it is dominated by stopping in upstream material for higher charges, explaining the shape difference. The solid lines are cross-section calculations at leading order (LO).
Cross-section upper limits at 95\% confidence level for the DY monopole pair production model with $\beta$-independent (left) and $\beta$-dependent (right) couplings in 13 TeV $pp$ collisions as a function of mass for spin-0 (top), spin-1/2 (middle) and spin-1 (bottom) monopoles. The colours correspond to different monopole charges. Acceptance loss is dominated by monopoles punching through the trapping volume for $|g|=g_{\rm D}$ while it is dominated by stopping in upstream material for higher charges, explaining the shape difference. The solid lines are cross-section calculations at leading order (LO).