Početna stranica > LHCb Collection > LHCb Preprints > Search for dark photons produced in 13 TeV $pp$ collisions > Plots |
\rm jet |
Prompt-like mass spectrum, where the categorization of the data as prompt $\mu^+\mu^-$, $\mu_Q\mu_Q$, and $hh+h\mu_Q$ is determined using the fits described in the text. |
Regions of the \maeps parameter space excluded at 90\% CL by the prompt-like \aprime search compared to the best existing limits~\cite{Lees:2014xha,KLOE:2016lwm}. |
Ratio of the observed upper limit on \naobe at 90\% CL to its expected value, where regions less than unity are excluded. There are no constraints from previous experiments in this region. |
Mass spectrum selected by the prompt-like \atomm trigger. |
Comparison of the results presented in this Letter to existing constraints from previous experiments (see Ref.~\cite{Alexander:2016aln} for details about previous experiments). |