CERN Accelerating science

Report number ATL-PHYS-PROC-2017-039
Title Searching For Exotic Physics Beyond the Standard Model: Extrapolation Until the End of Run-3
Author(s) Genest, Marie-Hel\`ene (LPSC, Grenoble)
Corporate Author(s) The ATLAS collaboration
Collaboration ATLAS Collaboration ; CMS Collaboration
Publication 2017
Imprint 02 May 2017
Number of pages 6
In: 52nd Rencontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, La Thuile, Italy, 18 - 25 Mar 2017, pp.141-146
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; ATLAS ; CMS
Free keywords Run-2 ; Run-3 ; ATLAS ; CMS ; EXOTICS
Abstract The prospects of looking for exotic beyond-the-Standard-Model physics with the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the LHC in the rest of Run-2 and in Run-3 will be reviewed. A few selected analyses will be discussed, showing the gain in sensitivity that can be achieved by accumulating more data and comparing the current limits with the predicted reach. Some limiting factors will be identified, along with ideas on how to improve on the searches.
Copyright/License Preprint: (License: CC-BY-4.0)

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 ჩანაწერი შექმნილია 2017-05-02, ბოლოს შესწორებულია 2021-09-14