CERN Accelerating science

Scientific Committee Paper
Report number CERN-INTC-2017-017 ; INTC-P-499
Title Investigating the key rp process reaction $^{61}$Ga(p,γ)$^{62}$Ge reaction via $^{61}$Zn(d,p)$^{62}$Zn transfer
Project Manager/Technical Coordinator Lotay, Gavin; Doherty, Daniel
Author(s) Lotay, Gavin (University of Surrey) ; Doherty, Daniel (University of Surrey) ; Catford, Wilton (University of Surrey) ; Podolyak, Zsolt (University of Surrey) ; Butler, Peter (University of Liverpool) ; Page, Robert (University of Liverpool) ; Sharp, David (University of Manchester) ; Freeman, Sean (University of Manchester) ; Labiche, Marc (STFC, Daresbury Laboratory) ; Kay, Ben (Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory) ; Hoffman, Calem (Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory) ; Janssens, Robert (Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory) ; Jenkins, David (University of York) ; Orr, Nigel (LPC-ENSICAEN, IN2P3/CNRS et Universite de Caen) ; Matta, Adrien (LPC-ENSICAEN, IN2P3/CNRS et Universite de Caen)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva. ISOLDE and neutron Time-of-Flight Experiments Committee ; INTC
Series (Proposal)
Note Solenoidal Spectrometer proposal
Submitted by [email protected] on 11 Jan 2017
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques

Email contact(s) : [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected]

 Записът е създаден на 2017-01-11, последна промяна на 2017-01-11

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