CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 4ème Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste : Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics
Related conference title(s) Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics
Date(s), location 18 - 24 Mar 1990, La Thuile, Italy
Editor(s) Greco, Mario (ed.)
Imprint Gif-sur-Yvette : Ed. Frontières, 1990 - 610 p.
ISBN 2863320831
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords CP violation ; astrophysics ; e+ e- ; electroweak interactions ; hadron colliders ; heavy flavours ; underground physics
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

The search for dark matter (p. 19)
by Caldwell, D O
Neutrino magnetic moment (p. 33)
by Vysotsky, M I
Probing the Big Bang with LEP (p. 43)
by Schramm, David N
Recent results at TRISTAN (p. 71)
by Abe, K
An overview of the first results of L3 experiment (p. 107)
by Gentile, S
Measurement of $\sigma$(e+e- --> hadrons) with the ALEPH detector and determination of the Z boson resonance parameters (p. 129)
by Garrido, L
Preliminary results on Z decays into lepton pairs and heavy quarks in ALEPH (p. 143)
by Marrocchesi, P S
Search for new particles with ALEPH (p. 165)
by Cattaneo, M
Measurement of the leptonic width of the Z0 boson with the DELPHI detector at LEP (p. 183)
by Camporesi, T
Search for new particles with the DELPHI detector at LEP : standard Higgs boson and supersymmetric particles(p. 191)
by Camporesi, T
Results of the DELPHI collaboration from hadronic decays of the Z0 boson (p. 205)
by Dam, M
A selection of lineshape and QCD results from the OPAL experiment at LEP (p. 217)
by Carter, J R
Searches for new particles by the OPAL experiment (p. 227)
by Tsukamoto, T
Determination of the electroweak mixing angle from muon-(anti)neutrino electron scattering (p. 253)
by Geiregat, D
The hadronic width of the Z0 and R in e+e- (p. 275)
by Ratcliffe, P G
Beyond the Standard Model (p. 285)
by Gaillard, Mary Katherin
Is QCD an asymptotically free theory? (p. 297)
by Patrascioiu, A
Precise measurement of W and Z masses with UA2 (p. 313)
by Carboni, G
W/Z studies in UA1 (p. 325)
by Dau, W D
Jet physics with the UA2 detector (p. 355)
by Lubrano, P
Gauge boson polarization effects in hadronic collisions (p. 389)
by Schuler, G A
The search for new particles in UA2 (p. 413)
by Singh, S L
Top and b' limits at UA1 (p. 435)
by Lammel, S
Rare B decays : current status(p. 489)
by O'Donnell, P J
Studies for a tau-charm factory (p. 529)
by Heusch, C A
The case for a phi-factory (p. 549)
by Piccolo, M
New symmetries in heavy flavor physics (p. 583)
by Bjorken, James D
Beauty physics with UA1 at the CERN Sp$\overline{p}$S collider (p. 597)
by Norton, A R
Scaling properties of the e+e- multiplicity distributions
by Szwed, R

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 Record created 1991-08-12, last modified 2021-07-30