002216950 001__ 2216950
002216950 005__ 20171213083754.0
002216950 0248_ $$aoai:cds.cern.ch:2216950$$pcerncds:FULLTEXT
002216950 037__ $$aATL-SOFT-SLIDE-2016-657
002216950 041__ $$aeng
002216950 088__ $$9ATL-COM-SOFT-2016-071
002216950 100__ $$0AUTHOR|(SzGeCERN)670963$$0AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00224309$$aTaylor, Ryan P.$$mrptaylor@uvic.ca$$uUniversity of Victoria
002216950 110__ $$aThe ATLAS collaboration
002216950 245__ $$aConsolidation of Cloud Computing in ATLAS
002216950 260__ $$c2016
002216950 269__ $$aGeneva$$bCERN$$c20 Sep 2016
002216950 300__ $$a1 p
002216950 520__ $$aThroughout the first year of LHC Run 2, ATLAS Cloud Computing has undergone a period of consolidation, characterized by building upon previously established systems, with the aim of reducing operational effort, improving robustness, and reaching higher scale. This paper describes the current state of ATLAS Cloud Computing. Cloud activities are converging on a common contextualization approach for virtual machines, and cloud resources are sharing monitoring and service discovery components. We describe the integration of Vac resources, streamlined usage of the High Level Trigger cloud for simulation and reconstruction, extreme scaling on Amazon EC2, and procurement of commercial cloud capacity in Europe. Building on the previously established monitoring infrastructure, we have deployed a real-time monitoring and alerting platform which coalesces data from multiple sources, provides flexible visualization via customizable dashboards, and issues alerts and carries out corrective actions in response to problems. Finally, a versatile analytics platform for data mining of log files is being used to analyze benchmark data and diagnose and gain insight on job errors.
002216950 594__ $$aSLIDE
002216950 595__ $$aCERN CDS-Invenio WebSubmit
002216950 6531_ $$9CERN$$acloud computing
002216950 6531_ $$9CERN$$acontextualization
002216950 6531_ $$9CERN$$amonitoring
002216950 6531_ $$9CERN$$abenchmarking
002216950 6531_ $$9CERN$$acommercial cloud
002216950 65017 $$2SzGeCERN$$aParticle Physics - Experiment
002216950 6531_ $$9CERN$$aanalytics
002216950 65027 $$2SzGeCERN$$aSoftware
002216950 690C_ $$aCERN
002216950 690C_ $$aINTNOTE
002216950 690C_ $$aPRIVATLAS
002216950 690C_ $$aPUBLATLASSLIDE
002216950 693__ $$aCERN LHC$$eATLAS
002216950 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2087327$$0AUTHOR|(SzGeCERN)745857$$aCordeiro, Cristovao$$mcristovao.cordeiro@cern.ch$$uCERN
002216950 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00213388$$0AUTHOR|(SzGeCERN)614260$$aDi Girolamo, Alessandro$$mAlessandro.Di.Girolamo@cern.ch$$uCERN
002216950 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(SzGeCERN)653174$$aHover, John$$mjhover@bnl.gov$$uBrookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)
002216950 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00236722$$0AUTHOR|(SzGeCERN)657651$$aKouba, Tomas$$mkoubat@fzu.cz$$uAcademy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Physics and Institute for Computer Science
002216950 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00006364$$0AUTHOR|(SzGeCERN)632236$$aLove, Peter$$mpalove@gmail.com$$uLancaster University, Department of Physics
002216950 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(SzGeCERN)414123$$aMcnab, Andrew$$mandrew.mcnab@cern.ch$$uSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester
002216950 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00153378$$0AUTHOR|(SzGeCERN)660595$$aSchovancova, Jaroslava$$mjaroslava.schovancova@cern.ch$$uThe University of Texas at Arlington
002216950 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00127469$$0AUTHOR|(SzGeCERN)432599$$aSobie, Randall$$mrsobie@uvic.ca$$uUniversity of Victoria
002216950 710__ $$5PH-EP
002216950 710__ $$gATLAS Collaboration
002216950 859__ $$frptaylor@uvic.ca
002216950 8564_ $$uhttp://cds.cern.ch/record/2214671$$yOriginal Communication (restricted to ATLAS)
002216950 8564_ $$81243918$$s3801561$$uhttp://cds.cern.ch/record/2216950/files/ATL-SOFT-SLIDE-2016-657.pdf
002216950 916__ $$sn$$w201670
002216950 960__ $$a91
002216950 963__ $$aPUBLIC
002216950 962__ $$b2157890$$nsanfrancisco20161010
002216950 970__ $$a000751240CER
002216950 980__ $$aPUBLATLASSLIDE
002216950 980__ $$aSlides