CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 19th International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions
Related conference title(s) ISVHECRI-2016
Date(s), location 22 - 27 Aug 2016, Moscow, Russian Federation
Conference contact Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS Leninskiy prospekt., 53 119991 Moscow, Russia
fax: +7(495) 938-22-51
phone: +7(499) 783-36
Editor(s) Dalkarov, O (ed.) (LPI) ; Bednyakov, V (ed.) (JINR) ; Beskin, V (ed.) (LPI) ; Bernardini, E (ed.) (DESY) ; Capdevielle, J-N (ed.) (APC UPD) ; Dogiel, V (ed.) (LPI) ; Dremin, I (ed.) (LPI) ; Farrar, G (ed.) (NYU) ; Horandel, J (ed.) (RUN) ; Lawrence, Jones (ed.) (UM) ; Istomin, I (ed.) (LPI) ; Kempa, J (ed.) (UWP PC) ; Mukhamedshin, R (ed.) (INR RAS) ; Petrukhin, A (ed.) (MEPhI) ; Pierog, T (ed.) (IKP KIT) ; Shaulov, S (ed.) (LPI) ; Shibata, T (ed.) (AGU) ; Spiering, C (ed.) (DESY) ; Sveshnikova, L (ed.) (SINP MSU) ; Tamada, M (ed.) (KU) ; Tkachev, I (ed.) (INR RAS)
Imprint 2016
Note Organisers: Nicolay Kolachevsky (LPI, chair); Oleg Dalkarov (LPI, co-chair); Vasiliy Beskin (LPI); Alexander Borisov (LPI); Sergey Borisov (LPI); Valentina Denisova (LPI); Nikolay Datskevich (LPI); Galina Granich (LPI, administrative support); Yevgeniya Kanevskaya (LPI); Militina Logachyeva (LPI, administrative support); Rauf Mukhmedshin (INR RAS); Vitaly Puchkov (LPI); Sergey Pyatovsky (LPI); Gulmurod Shoziyoev (LPI); Vera Yu. Sinitsyna (LPI); Marina Smirnova (LPI, administrative support); Nikolay Topchiev (LPI)
In: EPJ Web Conf. 145 (2017)
Subject category Astrophysics and Astronomy
Free keywords high energy cosmic rays, ; EAS results relevant to Particle Physics ; Accelerator results relevant to Cosmic Ray Physics ; Emulsion chamber & Hybrid experiment results ; LHC pp and Heavy Ion Physics ; Exotic phenomena, manifestation of a “New Physics” beyond the Standard Model ; Hadronic cross sections, multiparticle production & hadronic interaction models ; Space experiment data related to high energy interactions ; Matter-Antimatter asymmetry ; New EAS experimental installations ; High energy neutrino and muon fluxes ; High and super high energy cosmic rays, origin & observation

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C16-08-22.6
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Detection and analysis of atmospheric muons using the ALICE detector at the LHC (p. 9001)
by Alessandro, Bruno
Results of the LHCf experiment and the forward measurements at the LHC (p. 9002)
by Sako, T
Recent hadron production measurements performed by the NA61/SHINE collaboration (p. 9003)
by Hervé, Alexander E
ATLAS and ultra high energy cosmic ray physics (p. 10001)
by Pinfold, James
Forward energy measurement with CMS (p. 10002)
by Kheyn, Lev
RHIC forward experiment to study s dependence of forward particle production (p. 10005)
by Sako, T
The MoEDAL experiment at the LHC (p. 12002)
by Pinfold, James

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 レコード 生成: 2016-08-01, 最終変更: 2021-09-20

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