CERN Accelerating science

Distributions of the mass of the leading large-$R$ jet, $m_{\rm jet}$, for the (a) 0-lepton, (b) 1-lepton, and (c) 2-lepton channels. The background prediction is shown after the maximum-likelihood fits to the data described in Section~\ref{sec:results}; the total background prediction before the fit is shown by the dotted blue line. The signal for the benchmark HVT \textit{Model A} with $m_{V'} = 2$~TeV is shown as a dotted red line and normalized to 200 times the theoretical cross-section.
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$Z' \rightarrow ZH$, $H \rightarrow b\bar{b}/c\bar{c}$$W'^{\pm} \rightarrow WH$, $H \rightarrow b\bar{b}/c\bar{c}$Caption not extracted
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Observed 95\% CL exclusion contours in the HVT parameter space \{$g_Vc_H$, ($g^2$/$g_V$)$c_F$\} for resonances of mass 1.2~\TeV, 2.0~\TeV\ and 3.0~\TeV. The areas outside the curves are excluded. Also shown are the benchmark model parameters A($g_V$=1), A($g_V$=3) and B($g_V$=3). The shaded region corresponds to the parameter values for which the resonance total width $\Gamma$ is greater than 5\% of its mass, in which case it is not negligible compared to the experimental resolution.