CERN Accelerating science

Report number CLICdp-Conf-2015-007
Title Higgs and BSM physics at CLIC
Author(s) Redford, Sophie (CERN)
Publication 2015
Imprint 2015-10-13
Number of pages 6
In: PoS EPS-HEP2015 (2015) pp.132
In: European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics 2015, Vienna, Austria, 22 - 29 Jul 2015, pp.132
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CLIC
Study CLICdp
Abstract The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a possible future multi-TeV linear electron-positron collider, offering the potential for a rich Standard Model physics programme and sensitivity to a wide range of phenomena beyond the Standard Model. The physics reach of CLIC has been studied for several centre-of-mass energies, motivating a staged construction and providing the opportunity for precise studies of the properties of the 125 GeV Higgs boson. Operation at a few hundred GeV allows the couplings and width of the Higgs to be determined in a model independent manner through the study of the Higgsstrahlung and WW-fusion processes. Operation at higher centre-of-mass energies, up to 3 TeV, provides higher statistics and the potential to study rare Higgs decays, the top Yukawa coupling and the Higgs self-coupling. The results at all energy stages are combined in a model independent global Higgs fit. The higher energy stages of CLIC are targeted to searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. Within the kinematic limit, new particles can be directly detec- ted. Indirect searches using precision observables give access to much higher mass scales. Examples of both approaches are discussed, based on full simulation studies of a wide range of final states.
Copyright/License publication: © 2015-2025 The Author(s) (Licenses: CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0, CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0)
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