ホーム > CMS Collection > CMS Preprints > The new segment building algorithm for the cathode strip chambers in the CMS experiment |
CMS Note | |
Report number | CMS-CR-2015-146 |
Title | The new segment building algorithm for the cathode strip chambers in the CMS experiment |
Author(s) | Golutvin, Igor (Dubna, JINR) ; Karjavine, Vladimir (Dubna, JINR) ; Pal'Chik, Vladimir (Dubna, JINR) ; Voytishin, Nikolay (Dubna, JINR) ; Zarubin, Anatoly (Dubna, JINR) |
Publication | 2015 |
Imprint | 30 Jul 2015 |
Presented at | Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics 2015, Stará Lesná, Slovakia, 13 - 17 Jul 2015 |
Subject category | Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | CERN LHC ; CMS |
Keywords | Software |
Abstract | A new segment building algorithm for the Cathode Strip Chambers in the CMS experiment is presented. A detailed description of the new algorithm is given along with a comparison with the standard algorithm. The new segment builder was tested with different Monte-Carlo data samples. The new algorithm is meant to be robust and effective fot the higher luminosity and hard muons that are expected in the future at LHC. |