CERN Accelerating science

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Report number CERN-NPA-Int-63-20
Title The extracted 25 GeV/c proton beam for the CERN neutrino experiment
Author(s) Bertolotto, R ; van Breugel. H ; Caris, L ; Consigny, E ; Dijkhuizen, H ; Goni, J ; Hirsbrunner. J J ; Kuiper, B ; Langeseth, B ; Milner, S ; Pichler, S ; Plass, G ; Pluym, G ; Wachsmuth, H ; Zanasco, J P
Publication 1963
Imprint 17 Sep 1963
Number of pages 39
Presented at Sienna International Conference on Elementary Particles
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings


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