Pàgina inicial > Planck 2015 results. XXI. The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect |
Article | |
Report number | arXiv:1502.01595 |
Title | Planck 2015 results. XXI. The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect |
Author(s) |
Ade, P.A.R. (Cardiff U.) ; Aghanim, N. (Orsay, IAS) ; Arnaud, M. (AIM, Saclay) ; Ashdown, M. (Cambridge U., KICC ; Cambridge U.) ; Aumont, J. (Orsay, IAS) ; Baccigalupi, C. (INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Banday, A.J. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Barreiro, R.B. (Cantabria U., Santander) ; Bartolo, N. (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Basak, S. (INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Battaner, E. (Granada U., Theor. Phys. Astrophys.) ; Benabed, K. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Benoît, A. (Neel Lab, Grenoble) ; Benoit-Lévy, A. (University Coll. London ; Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Bernard, J.-P. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Bersanelli, M. (Milan U. ; IASF, Milan) ; Bielewicz, P. (Warsaw, Copernicus Astron. Ctr. ; IRAP, Toulouse ; INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Bock, J.J. (Caltech, JPL ; Caltech) ; Bonaldi, A. (Jodrell Bank) ; Bonavera, L. (Oviedo U.) ; Bond, J.R. (Canadian Inst. Theor. Astrophys.) ; Borrill, J. (LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley, Space Sci. Dept.) ; Bouchet, F.R. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Bucher, M. (APC, Paris) ; Burigana, C. (IASF, Bologna ; Ferrara U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Butler, R.C. (IASF, Bologna) ; Calabrese, E. (Oxford U.) ; Cardoso, J.-F. (APC, Paris ; Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Casaponsa, B. (Cantabria U., Santander) ; Catalano, A. (LPSC, Grenoble ; Paris Observ.) ; Challinor, A. (Cambridge U., Inst. of Astron. ; Cambridge U., KICC ; Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Chamballu, A. (AIM, Saclay ; IRFU, SPP, Saclay ; Orsay, IAS) ; Chiang, H.C. (Princeton U. ; KwaZulu Natal U.) ; Christensen, P.R. (Bohr Inst.) ; Church, S. (Stanford U., Phys. Dept.) ; Clements, D.L. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Colombi, S. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Colombo, L.P.L. (Southern California U. ; Caltech, JPL) ; Combet, C. (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Couchot, F. (Orsay, LAL) ; Coulais, A. (Paris Observ.) ; Crill, B.P. (Caltech, JPL ; Caltech) ; Curto, A. (Cantabria U., Santander ; Cambridge U. ; Cambridge U., KICC) ; Cuttaia, F. (IASF, Bologna) ; Danese, L. (INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Davies, R.D. (Jodrell Bank) ; Davis, R.J. (Jodrell Bank) ; de Bernardis, P. (Rome U.) ; de Rosa, A. (IASF, Bologna) ; de Zotti, G. (Padua Observ. ; INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Delabrouille, J. (APC, Paris) ; Désert, F.-X. (IPAG) ; Diego, J.M. (Cantabria U., Santander) ; Dole, H. (Orsay, IAS ; IUF, Paris) ; Donzelli, S. (IASF, Milan) ; Doré, O. (Caltech, JPL ; Caltech) ; Douspis, M. (Orsay, IAS) ; Ducout, A. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys. ; Imperial Coll., London) ; Dupac, X. (ESA, Madrid) ; Efstathiou, G. (Cambridge U., Inst. of Astron.) ; Elsner, F. (University Coll. London ; Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Enßlin, T.A. (Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) ; Eriksen, H.K. (Inst. Theor. Astrophys., Oslo) ; Fergusson, J. (Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Fernandez-Cobos, R. (Cantabria U., Santander) ; Finelli, F. (IASF, Bologna ; INFN, Bologna) ; Forni, O. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Frailis, M. (Trieste Observ.) ; Fraisse, A.A. (Princeton U.) ; Franceschi, E. (IASF, Bologna) ; Frejsel, A. (Bohr Inst.) ; Galeotta, S. (Trieste Observ.) ; Galli, S. (Chicago U., KICP) ; Ganga, K. (APC, Paris) ; Génova-Santos, R.T. (IAC, La Laguna ; Laguna U., Tenerife) ; Giard, M. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Giraud-Héraud, Y. (APC, Paris) ; Gjerløw, E. (Inst. Theor. Astrophys., Oslo) ; González-Nuevo, J. (Oviedo U. ; Cantabria U., Santander) ; Górski, K.M. (Caltech, JPL ; Warsaw U. Observ.) ; Gratton, S. (Cambridge U., KICC ; Cambridge U., Inst. of Astron.) ; Gregorio, A. (Trieste U. ; Trieste Observ. ; INFN, Trieste) ; Gruppuso, A. (IASF, Bologna ; INFN, Bologna) ; Gudmundsson, J.E. (Stockholm U., OKC ; Nordita ; Princeton U.) ; Hansen, F.K. (Inst. Theor. Astrophys., Oslo) ; Hanson, D. (McGill U. ; Caltech, JPL ; Canadian Inst. Theor. Astrophys.) ; Harrison, D.L. (Cambridge U., Inst. of Astron. ; Cambridge U., KICC) ; Henrot-Versillé, S. (Orsay, LAL) ; Hernández-Monteagudo, C. (CEFCA, Teruel ; Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) ; Herranz, D. (Cantabria U., Santander) ; Hildebrandt, S.R. (Caltech, JPL ; Caltech) ; Hivon, E. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Hobson, M. (Cambridge U.) ; Holmes, W.A. (Caltech, JPL) ; Hornstrup, A. (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; Hovest, W. (Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) ; Huffenberger, K.M. (Florida State U.) ; Hurier, G. (Orsay, IAS) ; Ilić, S. (IRAP, Toulouse ; Marseille, CPT) ; Jaffe, A.H. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Jaffe, T.R. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Jones, W.C. (Princeton U.) ; Juvela, M. (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; Helsinki U.) ; Keihänen, E. (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; Helsinki U.) ; Keskitalo, R. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Kisner, T.S. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Kneissl, R. (European Southern Obs., Chile) ; Knoche, J. (Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) ; Kunz, M. (Geneva U., Dept. Theor. Phys. ; Orsay, IAS ; African Inst. Math. Sci., Cape Town) ; Kurki-Suonio, H. (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; Helsinki U.) ; Lagache, G. (Marseille, Lab. Astrophys. ; Orsay, IAS) ; Lähteenmäki, A. (Aalto U. ; Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; Lamarre, J.-M. (Paris Observ.) ; Langer, M. (Orsay, IAS) ; Lasenby, A. (Cambridge U. ; Cambridge U., KICC) ; Lattanzi, M. (Ferrara U. ; INFN, Ferrara) ; Lawrence, C.R. (Caltech, JPL) ; Leonardi, R. (Brasilia U.) ; Lesgourgues, J. (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. ; CERN) ; Levrier, F. (Paris Observ.) ; Liguori, M. (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Lilje, P.B. (Inst. Theor. Astrophys., Oslo) ; Linden-Vørnle, M. (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; López-Caniego, M. (ESA, Madrid) ; Lubin, P.M. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Ma, Y.-Z. (Jodrell Bank ; KwaZulu Natal U.) ; Macías-Pérez, J.F. (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Maggio, G. (Trieste Observ.) ; Maino, D. (Milan U. ; IASF, Milan) ; Mandolesi, N. (IASF, Bologna ; Ferrara U.) ; Mangilli, A. (Orsay, IAS ; Orsay, LAL) ; Marcos-Caballero, A. (Cantabria U., Santander) ; Maris, M. (Trieste Observ.) ; Martin, P.G. (Canadian Inst. Theor. Astrophys.) ; Martínez-González, E. (Cantabria U., Santander) ; Masi, S. (Rome U.) ; Matarrese, S. (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua ; GSSI, Aquila) ; McGehee, P. (Caltech, IPAC) ; Meinhold, P.R. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Melchiorri, A. (Rome U. ; INFN, Rome) ; Mendes, L. (ESA, Madrid) ; Mennella, A. (Milan U. ; IASF, Milan) ; Migliaccio, M. (Cambridge U., Inst. of Astron. ; Cambridge U., KICC) ; Mitra, S. (IUCAA, Pune ; Caltech, JPL) ; Miville-Deschênes, M.-A. (Orsay, IAS ; Canadian Inst. Theor. Astrophys.) ; Moneti, A. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Montier, L. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Morgante, G. (IASF, Bologna) ; Mortlock, D. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Moss, A. (Nottingham U.) ; Munshi, D. (Cardiff U.) ; Murphy, J.A. (NUIM, Maynooth) ; Naselsky, P. (Bohr Inst.) ; Nati, F. (Princeton U.) ; Natoli, P. (Ferrara U. ; ASI, Rome ; INFN, Ferrara) ; Netterfield, C.B. (Toronto U., Astron. Dept.) ; Nørgaard-Nielsen, H.U. (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; Noviello, F. (Jodrell Bank) ; Novikov, D. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Novikov, I. (Bohr Inst. ; Lebedev Inst.) ; Oxborrow, C.A. (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; Paci, F. (INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Pagano, L. (Rome U. ; INFN, Rome) ; Pajot, F. (Orsay, IAS) ; Paoletti, D. (IASF, Bologna ; INFN, Bologna) ; Pasian, F. (Trieste Observ.) ; Patanchon, G. (APC, Paris) ; Perdereau, O. (Orsay, LAL) ; Perotto, L. (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Perrotta, F. (INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Pettorino, V. (U. Heidelberg, ITP) ; Piacentini, F. (Rome U.) ; Piat, M. (APC, Paris) ; Pierpaoli, E. (Southern California U.) ; Pietrobon, D. (Caltech, JPL) ; Plaszczynski, S. (Orsay, LAL) ; Pointecouteau, E. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Polenta, G. (ASI, Rome ; Rome Observ.) ; Popa, L. (Bucharest, Inst. Space Science) ; Pratt, G.W. (AIM, Saclay) ; Prézeau, G. (Caltech ; Caltech, JPL) ; Prunet, S. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Puget, J.-L. (Orsay, IAS) ; Rachen, J.P. (Nijmegen U., IMAPP ; Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) ; Reach, W.T. (Arizona U., Astron. Dept. - Steward Observ.) ; Rebolo, R. (IAC, La Laguna ; CSIC, Madrid ; Laguna U., Tenerife) ; Reinecke, M. (Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) ; Remazeilles, M. (Jodrell Bank ; Orsay, IAS ; APC, Paris) ; Renault, C. (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Renzi, A. (Rome U., Tor Vergata ; INFN, Rome2) ; Ristorcelli, I. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Rocha, G. (Caltech, JPL ; Caltech) ; Rosset, C. (APC, Paris) ; Rossetti, M. (Milan U. ; IASF, Milan) ; Roudier, G. (APC, Paris ; Paris Observ. ; Caltech, JPL) ; Rubiño-Martín, J.A. (IAC, La Laguna ; Laguna U., Tenerife) ; Rusholme, B. (Caltech, IPAC) ; Sandri, M. (IASF, Bologna) ; Santos, D. (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Savelainen, M. (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; Helsinki U.) ; Savini, G. (University Coll. London) ; Schaefer, B.M. (Heidelberg U.) ; Scott, D. (British Columbia U.) ; Seiffert, M.D. (Caltech, JPL ; Caltech) ; Shellard, E.P.S. (Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Spencer, L.D. (Cardiff U.) ; Stolyarov, V. (Cambridge U. ; Stavropol, Astrophys. Observ. ; Kazan State U.) ; Stompor, R. (APC, Paris) ; Sudiwala, R. (Cardiff U.) ; Sunyaev, R. (Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE ; Moscow, Space Res. Inst.) ; Sutton, D. (Cambridge U., Inst. of Astron. ; Cambridge U., KICC) ; Suur-Uski, A.-S. (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; Helsinki U.) ; Sygnet, J.-F. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Tauber, J.A. (ESTEC, Noordwijk) ; Terenzi, L. (Florence U. ; IASF, Bologna) ; Toffolatti, L. (Oviedo U. ; Cantabria U., Santander ; IASF, Bologna) ; Tomasi, M. (Milan U. ; IASF, Milan) ; Tristram, M. (Orsay, LAL) ; Tucci, M. (Geneva U., Dept. Theor. Phys.) ; Tuovinen, J. (Trinity Coll., Dublin) ; Valenziano, L. (IASF, Bologna) ; Valiviita, J. (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; Helsinki U.) ; Van Tent, F. (Orsay, LPT) ; Vielva, P. (Cantabria U., Santander) ; Villa, F. (IASF, Bologna) ; Wade, L.A. (Caltech, JPL) ; Wandelt, B.D. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys. ; Illinois U., Urbana) ; Wehus, I.K. (Caltech, JPL ; Inst. Theor. Astrophys., Oslo) ; Yvon, D. (IRFU, SPP, Saclay) ; Zacchei, A. (Trieste Observ.) |
Publication | 2016-09-20 |
Imprint | 05 Feb 2015 |
Number of pages | 30 |
Note | Comments: 30 pages, 24 figures, abstract abridged for arXiv. This paper is one of a set associated with the 2015 data release from Planck 34 pages, 24 figures, abstract abridged for arXiv. This paper is one of a set associated with the 2015 data release from Planck. Final version, accepted for publication in A&A |
In: | Astron. Astrophys. 594 (2016) A21 |
DOI | 10.1051/0004-6361/201525831 |
Subject category | Astrophysics and Astronomy |
Abstract | This paper presents a study of the ISW effect from the Planck 2015 temperature and polarization data release. The CMB is cross-correlated with different LSS tracers: the NVSS, SDSS and WISE catalogues, and the Planck 2015 convergence lensing map. This cross-correlation yields a detection at $4\,\sigma$, where most of the signal-to-noise is due to the Planck lensing and NVSS. In fact, the ISW effect is detected only from the Planck data (through the ISW-lensing bispectrum) at $\approx 3\,\sigma$, which is similar to the detection level achieved by combining the cross-correlation signal coming from all the catalogues. This cross-correlation analysis is performed only with the Planck temperature data, since the polarization scales available in the 2015 release do not permit significant improvement of the CMB-LSS cross-correlation detectability. Nevertheless, polarization data is used to study the anomalously large ISW signal previously reported through the aperture photometry on stacked CMB features at the locations of known superstructures, which is in conflict with $\Lambda$CDM expectations. We find that the current Planck polarization data do not reject that this signal could be caused by the ISW effect. In addition, the stacking of the Planck lensing map on the superstructures' locations exhibits a positive cross-correlation with these large-scale structures. Finally, we have improved our previous reconstruction of the ISW temperature fluctuations by combining the information encoded in all the previously mentioned LSS tracers. In particular, we construct a map of the ISW secondary anisotropies and the corresponding uncertainties map, obtained from simulations. We also explore the reconstruction of the ISW anisotropies caused by the LSS traced by the 2MPZ survey, by directly inverting the density field into the gravitational potential field. |
Copyright/License | arXiv nonexclusive-distrib. 1.0 |