CERN Accelerating science

Conference title International School of Subnuclear Physics 50th Course
Related conference title(s) ISSP 2012
What we would like LHC to give us
Date(s), location 23 Jun - 2 Jul 2012, Erice, Italy
Editor(s) Zichichi, Antonino (ed.)
Imprint Hackensack, NJ : World Scientific, 2014
Series (The subnuclear series ; 50)
ISBN 9789814603898 (print version, hardback)
9789814603911 (electronic version)
9814603899 (print version, hardback)
DOI e-proceedings: 10.1142/9182
Subject category Nuclear Physics - Theory
Abstract This book is the proceedings of the International School of Subnuclear Physics, ISSP 2012, 50th Course — ERICE, 23 June 2013 — 2 July 2012. This course was devoted to the celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of the Subnuclear Physics School which was started in 1961 by Antonino Zichichi with John Bell at CERN and formally established in 1962 by Bell, Blackett, Weisskopf, Rabi and Zichichi in Geneva (CERN). The lectures covered the latest and most significant achievements in theoretical and in experimental subnuclear physics. Readership: Directed to experts and advanced-level students in the field of Theoretical and Experimental Subnuclear Physics.

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C12-06-23
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Opening remarks (p. 3)
by Zichichi, A.
The Erice centre, Gell-mann, QCD, the effective energy and complexity (p. 9)
by Zichichi, A.
Higglights from LHC (p. 285)
by Bloch, Philippe
Highlights From ATLAS (p. 299)
by Jenni, Peter
Highlights from ALICE (p. 335)
by Giubellino, Paolo
Four Decades of Computing in Subnuclear Physics - from Bubble Chamber to LHC (p. 425)
by Knobloch, Jürgen
COMPLEXITY and the QGCW Project (p. 451)
by Zichichi, Antonino

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 Record created 2015-01-22, last modified 2021-07-30

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