CERN Accelerating science

An extended version of the axion exclusion plot with the expected IAXO sensitivity, where it is compared with current bounds (solid) and future prospects (dashed) of other experiments (CAST, ADMX~\cite{admx2}, ALPS-II~\cite{alpsII}). The solid brown region excluded by H.E.S.S. data~\cite{hess}, is within the low ma region invoked in the context of the transparency of the universe, denoted with the dashed grey line. Below the red dashed line lies the region in which ALP DM parameter space is viable. We refer to ~\cite{loi} for a more detailed explanation of the plot.
Expanded view of the CAST results in the vacuum,4He (in black) and the 3He phases with the new limit (in red). The limit from SUMICO \cite{Inoue:2008zp}, the hot dark matter (HDM) bound \cite{Archidiacono:2013cha} and the horizontal brunch (HB) stars \cite{Raffelt:2008ggr} are also shown. The yellow band denotes typical theoretical models, while the green solid line corresponds to E/N=0 (KSVZ model).
Left: Mid-plane cut of the cryostat showing the cold mass and its supports, surrounded by a thermal shield, and the vacuum vessel \cite{Shilon:2012}. Right: A view of the the focusing device developed for the NuSTAR satellite mission \cite{Madsen:2009kkm}.
Left: Mid-plane cut of the cryostat showing the cold mass and its supports, surrounded by a thermal shield, and the vacuum vessel \cite{Shilon:2012}. Right: A view of the the focusing device developed for the NuSTAR satellite mission \cite{Madsen:2009kkm}.