CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-ACC-2014-0319
Conference title 5th Evian Workshop on LHC beam operation
Related conference title(s) Evian 2014
Date(s), location 2 - 4 Jun 2014, Evian-les-Bains, France
Conference contact Hotel Ermitage
email: [email protected]
Editor(s) Goddard, B (ed.) ; Dubourg, S (ed.)
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 2014 - 219 p.
Note Organisers: Lamont, M; Meddahi, M; Goddard, B
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC
Free keywords CERN ; LHC ; Evian workshop ; LHC beam operation
Abstract The principal aims of the workshop are to: • Suggest operational parameter ranges for re-commissioning and operation in 2015; • Establish re-commissioning requirements for beam based LHC systems; • Establish planning for re-commissioning 2015; • Revisit overall strategy for 2015 (bunch spacing, scrubbing, special runs, MD etc.); • Provide input to Chamonix 2014. Chair: Mike LAMONT Deputy Chairs: Malika MEDDAHI, Brennan GODDARD Editors of the Proceedings: Brennan GODDARD, Sylvia DUBOURG Informatics & infrastructure support: Pierre CHARRUE Workshop Secretary: Sylvia DUBOURG

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C14-06-02.7
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Global overview of baseline operational parameters (p. 23)
by Papotti, G
Experiments expectations (p. 27)
by Gorini, B
Collimation and β * reach (p. 31)
by Bruce, R
The LHC nominal cycle, pre-cycle and variations in 2015 (p. 37)
by Wenninger, J
Leveling options and strategy (p. 43)
by Gorzawski, A
Transverse emittance through the LHC cycle - an update (p. 47)
by Kuhn, M
Longitudinal parameters and beam induced heating (p. 53)
by Esteban Müller, J F
Impedance and instabilities (p. 59)
by Mounet, N
Two beam effects (p. 69)
by Pieloni, T
Electron cloud and scrubbing: perspective and requirements for 25 ns operation in 2015 (p. 81)
by Iadarola, G
Beams in the injectors (p. 93)
by Bartosik, H
Status and commissioning plans for LHC Run 2. The RF system. (p. 99)
by Baudrenghien, P
LHC transverse feedback (p. 105)
by Höfle, W
Collimation system post-LS1: status and commissioning (p. 111)
by Salvachua, B
LHC transfer lines and injection systems (p. 117)
by Bartmann, W
LHC beam dumping system: status and readiness for LHC Run 2 (p. 123)
by Magnin, N
Software packages: Status and commissioning plans (p. 129)
by Jacquet, D
LHC cryogenics - perspectives for RUN2 operation (p. 135)
by Brodzinski, K
LHC vacuum system upgrade during long shutdown 1 and vacuum expectation for the 2015 operation restart (p. 141)
by Bregliozzi, G
Transverse beam size measurement (p. 147)
by Trad, G
Status of the tune and orbit measurements and corrections and testing strategy (p. 153)
by Andersen, M
Machine protection workshop revisited open issues, progress and decisions on major topics (p. 157)
by Wollmann, D
Machine protection background (p. 163)
by Romera Ramirez, I
BLMs and thresholds at 6.5/7 TeV (p. 167)
by Sapinski, M
Beam instrumentation for machine protection (p. 171)
by Bravin, E
Commissioning and operation of the machine protection system (p. 177)
by Ponce, L
Availabilty for post-LS1 operation (p. 181)
by Apollonio, A
Dry runs and machine check-out strategy (p. 187)
by Albert, M
Powering tests (p. 191)
by Solfaroli Camillocci, M
LHC transfer lines and sector tests in 2014 (p. 195)
by Kain, V
OMC improvements and prospects for 2015 (p. 199)
by Langner, A
Strategy for the first two months of the LHC beam commissioning and key early measurements (p. 205)
by Redaelli, S

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 Record created 2014-11-11, last modified 2021-09-20

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