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Report number DUKHEP-88-9
Title LAMBDA0 and LAMBD$\overline{A}$0 production from proton-antiproton collisions at \Sqrt s = 1.8 TeV
Author(s) Alexopoulos, T ; Allen, C ; Anderson, E W ; Areti, H ; Banerjee, S ; Beery, P D ; Biswas, N ; Bujak, A T ; Carmony, D D ; Carter, T ; Cole, P ; Choi, Y ; De Bonte, R J ; Erwin, A R ; Findeisen, C ; Goshaw, A T ; Gutay, L J ; Hirsch, A S ; Hojvat, C ; Kenney, V P ; Lindsey, C S ; LoSecco, J M ; McMahon, T ; McManus, A P ; Morgan, N ; Nelson, K ; Oh, S H ; Piekarz, J ; Porile, N T ; Reeves, D ; Scharenberg, R P ; Stringfellow, B C ; Stampke, S R ; Thompson, M ; Turkot, F ; Walker, W D ; Wang, C H ; Wesson, D K
Publication 1988
Imprint Oct 1988?
Number of pages 17
Published in: Phys. Rev. Lett.
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Keywords 1-10TeVcm ; Lambda0 ; Lambdabar
Other source Inspire


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