CERN Accelerating science

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Report number GRAND-87-1370
Title Diffractive production of pi-pi-pi+ in 200 GeV/c pi-N interactions
Author(s) Joyner, R W ; Chang, C C ; Davis, T C ; Diamond, R N ; Johnson, K J ; Mikocki, S ; Poirier, J A ; Chen, T Y ; Jenkins, E W ; Lai Kwan Wu ; Lin, Y C ; Pifer, A E ; Fenker, H C ; Green, D R ; Albright, J R ; Goldman, J H ; Hagopian, S L ; Lannutti, J E ; Napier, A ; Schneps, J ; Marraffino, J M ; Waters, J W ; Webster, M S ; Ficenec, J R ; Trower, W P
Publication 1987
Imprint Oct 1987?
Number of pages 20
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Keywords 100-1000GeV ; pi- pi- pi+ ; pi-N
Other source Inspire


 Zapis kreiran 1990-01-29, zadnja izmjena 2016-07-01