CERN Accelerating science

Title Recherche de la production directe de Q0 dans des collisions hadroniques pi-N à 300 GeV/c et recherche de glueballs par ce même mécanisme
Translation of title Search for direct production of Q0 in hadron collisions pi-N at 300 GeV/c and search for glueballs by the same mechanism
Author(s) Néaume, C (Orsay)
Publication Orsay : Paris 11, 1987 - 127.
Thesis note Thesis : Paris 11 : 1987
Note Presented on 16 Jan 1987
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; WA77
Keywords 100-1000GeV ; glueballs ; hadronic ; mechanism ; pi-N ; rho0 ; search

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 Record created 1990-01-29, last modified 2016-11-22

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