CERN Accelerating science

Title Openstack 101
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Author(s) RODRIGUES MOREIRA, Belmiro (speaker) (CERN)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva
Imprint 2014-03-21. - 3736.
Series (IT Technical Forum (ITTF))
(Openstack 101)
Lecture note on 2014-03-21T10:00:00
Subject category IT Technical Forum (ITTF)
Abstract Summary: “OpenStack is a collection of open source projects that provides an operating platform for orchestrating clouds in a massively scalable way.” Since July 2013 CERN is running OpenStack in production allowing and helping users to build scalable and reliable applications. This tutorial will show how to use the OpenStack main functionality from a user point of view, some best practices and tricks. It is expected that you are already familiar with OpenStack projects and have subscribed the service. About the speaker: Belmiro Moreira is an enthusiastic software engineer passionate about the challenges and complexities of architecting and deploying Cloud Infrastructures in very large-scale environments. He works at CERN and during the last three years his main role was to design, develop and build the CERN Cloud Infrastructure based on Openstack. Previously he worked in different virtualization projects to improve the large batch farm at CERN. Belmiro also holds a degree in Mathematics and has several articles about HPC, virtualization and cloud computing.
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 Record created 2014-04-01, last modified 2024-06-26

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