Report number
| CERN-PSCC-79-31 ; PSCC-P-9 |
| Proposal : Study of p¯¯¯p and ¯¯¯pd interactions at threshold in gaseous H2 and D2 targets |
Auld, E G ; Axen, D A ; Beer, G A ; Comyn, M ; Craddock, M K ; Dahme, W ; Erdman, K L ; Gastaldi, U ; Graff, G ; Kalinowsky, H ; Kayser, E ; Klempt, E ; Landua, R ; Sabev, Ch ; Schulze, R ; Truol, P ; Warren, J B ; White, B L ; Winkelmann, E ; Wodrich, R W ; Zupancic, C Mainz-München-TRIUMF-Zürich Collaboration Show all 21 authors |
| (CERN) |
Corporate author(s)
| CERN. Geneva. Proton Synchrotron and Synchrocyclotron Committee |
Submitted by
| 31 Aug 1979 |
Subject category
| Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment
| CERN PS ; PSxx |
| © CERN (License: CC-BY-4.0) |