CERN Accelerating science

Experiments at CERN
Title Development of pixel readout integrated circuits for extreme rate and radiation
Author(s) Hemperek, Tinstitute ; Menouni, Minstitute ; Christiansen, Jinstitute ; Michelis, Sinstitute ; Crescioli, Finstitute ; Placidi, Pinstitute ; Prydderch, M Linstitute ; Beccherle, Rinstitute ; Palla, Finstitute ; Abbaneo, Dinstitute ; Passeri, Dinstitute ; Gromov, Vinstitute ; Dannheim, Dinstitute ; Loddo, Finstitute ; Pernegger, Hinstitute ; Huegging, F Ginstitute ; Rozanov, Ainstitute ; Fougeron, Dinstitute ; Pacher, Linstitute ; Re, Vinstitute ; Faccio, Finstitute ; Demaria, Ninstitute ; Rizzi, Ainstitute ; Torralba silgado, A Jinstitute ; Dho, Einstitute ; Krueger, Hinstitute ; Barbero, M Binstitute ; Bortoletto, Dinstitute ; Meier, Binstitute ; Paccagnella, Ainstitute ; Linssen, Linstitute ; Pangaud, Pinstitute ; Calderini, Ginstitute ; Van bakel, N Ainstitute ; Kluit, Rinstitute ; Garcia-sciveres, M Ainstitute ; Bacchetta, Ninstitute
Experiment RD53
Greybook See RD53 experiment
Approved 28 August 2013
Status In-Progress
Accelerator R&D
Abstract The present hybrid pixel detectors in operation at the LHC represent a major achievement. They deployed a new technology on an unprecedented scale and their success firmly established pixel tracking as indispensable for future HEP experiments. However, extrapolation of hybrid pixel technology to the HL-LHC presents major challenges on several fronts. We propose a new RD collaboration specifically focused on the development of pixel readout Integrated Circuits (IC). The IC challenges include: smaller pixels to resolve tracks in boosted jets, much higher hit rates (1-2 GHz/cm$^{2}$), unprecedented radiation tolerance (10 MGy), much higher output bandwidth, and large IC format with low power consumption in order to instrument large areas while keeping the material budget low. We propose a collaboration to design the next generation of hybrid pixel readout chips to enable the ATLAS and CMS Phase 2 pixel upgrades. This does not imply that ATLAS and CMS must use the same exact pixel readout chip, as most of the development, test and qualification effort needed is independent of the specific implementation of the final chips. Multiple implementations are possible using the same technology foundation, which is the subject of this proposal. In order to be effective, this collaboration is specifically focused on design of hybrid pixel readout chips, and not on more general chip design or on other aspects of hybrid pixel technology.
Related document(s) CERN-LHCC-2013-008  (LHCC-P-006)
Contact: Christiansen, J
Contact: Garcia-sciveres, M A

 Datensatz erzeugt am 2013-11-18, letzte Änderung am 2025-01-01

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