CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-85-07 ; ECFA-85-091
Conference title CAS-ECFA-INFN Workshop : Generation of High Fields for Particle Acceleration to Very-high Energies
Date(s), location 25 Sep - 1 Oct 1984, Frascati, Italy
Editor(s) Mulvey, J H (ed.) ; Bryant, P J (ed.)
Corporate author(s) European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) ; CERN. Geneva. CERN Accelerator School
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 1985 - 266 p.
Series (CERN Accelerator School)
(CERN Yellow Reports: Conference Proceedings)
DOI e-proceedings: 10.5170/CERN-1985-007
Free keywords CAS ; 1-10TeV ; 10-100TeV ; free ; electron ; laser ; lasertron ; wake ; field ; accelerators ; excitation ; droplet ; array ; switched ; power ; linac ; plasma ; beat ; wave ; linear ; colliders
Copyright/License CC-BY-3.0

Corresponding record in: KEK ; Inspire
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Laser accelerators : where do we stand (p. 3)
by Lawson, J D
Two-beam, wakefield and millimeter-wave accelerators (p. 13)
by Weiland, T
The beat-wave and surfatron accelerators for particles (p. 29)
by Dawson, J M
Survey on modern pulsed high-power lasers (p. 35)
by Witte, K J
Summary report of the working group 1 on FEL and IFEL (p. 83)
by Renieri, A
Microwave radiation from a high-gain free-electron laser amplifier (p. 85)
by Orzechowski, T J
Optical guiding by a free electron laser (p. 86)
by Scharlemann, E T
Perspectives on free-electron laser-driven very high gradient particle accelerators (p. 87)
by Renieri, A
High power radiation guiding systems for laser driven accelerators (p. 92)
by Cutolo, A
Summary report of the working group 2 on near field accelerators (p. 117)
by Weiland, T
Multi-stage, wakefield accelerators (p. 123)
by Zotter, Bruno W
The wakeatron : acceleration of electrons on the wake field of proton bunch(p. 128)
by Ruggiero, A G
The BNL-NRCC-AECL laser-grating accelerator experiment (p. 141)
by Funk, L W
Laser plasma linac (p. 147)
by Palmer, R B
Experiments on 30 nm spots (p. 156)
by Willis, W J
Lasertron for a linear collider in TeV region (p. 157)
by Takeda,S
Switched power linac (p. 166)
by Willis, W
Summary report of the working group 3 on plasma accelerators (p. 177)
by Joshi, C
The beat-wave accelerator : Twenty questions (p. 192)
by Lawson, J D
Analytical and numerical studies of plasma beat waves (p. 195)
by Bingham, R
Radial electric fields in the beat-wave accelerator (p. 205)
by Evans, R G
Emittance growth from multiple scattering in the plasma beat-wave accelerator (p. 208)
by Montague, Bryan W
Synchrotron radiation due to transverse focussing in a very high energy electron linac (p. 219)
by Schnell, Wolfgang
Space-charge wave accelerators (p. 223)
by Nation, J A
Summary report of the Working Group 4 on accelerator considerations (p. 229)
by Willis, W
Choice of basic parameters for TeV linacs (p. 230)
by Hand, L N
Beamstrahlung in high-energy, high-luminosity collisions (p. 235)
by Buon, Jean
Possible parameters of 1 TeV x 1 TeV two-beam accelerator (p. 237)
by Myers, S
Parameters for a laser-droplet linac (p. 238)
by Palmer, R
The CAS-ECFA-INFN workshop on the generation of high fields for particle acceleration to very high energies : a summary (p. 241)
by Tigner, M

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 Zapis kreiran 1990-01-29, zadnja izmjena 2021-07-30

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