| The LHeC is designed to collide a new 60 GeV energy electron beam, from a 3-pass ERL, with the 7 TeV energy LHC proton beam. At the present target ep luminosity of 1033 cm−2s−1, the LHeC would produce a few 1000 Higgs bosons per year, allowing for precision coupling measurements, especially of the H → b¯b decay in charged current deep inelastic scattering (ep → νHX). With a significant increase of the luminosity, rarer channels become accessible, as the charm decay. Here such an increase, to the level of 1034 cm−2s−1 or even beyond, is considered from a combination of improvements, namely with a smaller proton beam emittance, with a further reduction of the proton IP beta function, an increase of the proton bunch intensity and with doubling the lepton beam current, compared to the canonical values assumed in the CDR. |