CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-ATS-2012-047
Title Design of the HTS Current Leads for ITER
Author(s) Ballarino, A (CERN) ; Bauer, P (Euratom, St. Paul Lez Durance) ; Bi, Y (Hefei, Inst. Plasma Phys.) ; Devred, A (Euratom, St. Paul Lez Durance) ; Ding, K (Hefei, Inst. Plasma Phys.) ; Foussat, A (Euratom, St. Paul Lez Durance) ; Mitchell, N (Euratom, St. Paul Lez Durance) ; Shen, G (Hefei, Inst. Plasma Phys.) ; Song, Y (Hefei, Inst. Plasma Phys.) ; Taylor, T (CERN) ; Yang, Y (Southampton U.) ; Zhou, T (Hefei, Inst. Plasma Phys.)
Publication 2012
Imprint 20 Feb 2012
Number of pages 5
In: IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 22 (2012) 4800304
In: 22nd International Conference on Magnet Technology, Marseille, France, 12 - 16 Sep 2011
DOI 10.1109/TASC.2011.2175192
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract Following the design, fabrication and test of a series of trial leads, designs of the three types of current leads required for ITER have been developed, and targeted trials of specific features are in progress on the way to fabrication and testing of prototype units. These leads are of the hybrid type with a cold section based on the use of high temperature superconductor (HTS) and a resistive section cooled by forced flow of helium gas, optimized for operation at 68 kA, 55 kA and 10 kA. The leads incorporate relevant features of the large series of current leads developed and constructed for the CERN-LHC, relevant features of the trial leads built for ITER, and additional features required to fully satisfy the exigent constraints of ITER with regard to cooling, insulation, and interfaces to feeder and powering systems. In this report a description of the design of the leads is presented, together with plans for the preparation of prototype manufacture and testing at ASIPP.

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 Journalen skapades 2012-02-21, och modifierades senast 2014-01-08

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