CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference
Related conference title(s) 2012 IEEE NSS MIC
Date(s), location 29 Oct - 3 Nov 2012, Anaheim, California, USA
Conference contact Disney Hotel Anaheim California USA
email: [email protected]
fax: +1 206 543 8356
phone: +1 206 543 2365
Editor(s) Yu, Bo (ed.) (Brookhaven)
Imprint New York : IEEE, 2012 - 4340 p.
Note Organisers: Lewellen Tom K.; Titov Maxim; Gregor Ingrid-Maria; Sossi Vesna; Converse Alex; James Ralph B.; Fiederle Michael
In: Conf. Proc. C121029 (2012)
ISBN 9781467320283
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Free keywords Radiation detection ; Radiation imaging ; Radiation detectors ; Nuclear physics instrumentation ; Nuclear instrumentation and techniques ; Data scquisition ; Signal processing ; Accelerator technologies ; Beam instrumentation ; Image reconstruction methods ; New detector materials/technologies ; Semiconductor materials for radiation detection ; Radiation damage

Contributions in Inspire: C12-10-29
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Performance studies of scintillating ceramic samples exposed to ionizing radiation (p. 305)
by Dissertori, G.
Beam Test Results for New Full-scale GEM Prototypes for a Future Upgrade of the CMS High-eta Muon System (p. 1172)
by Abbaneo, D
Commissioning of the Testbeam Prototype of the CALICE Tile Hadron Calorimeter (p. 1180)
by Hermberg, Benjamin
An ultra-pure gas system for the CLOUD experiment at CERN (p. 1199)
by Guida, Roberto
The ATLAS Forward Physics Project (p. 1495)
by Royon, Christophe
A charge collection study with dedicated RD50 charge multiplication sensors (p. 1657)
by Betancourt, C
Proton and Neutron Irradiation Tests of Readout Electronics of the ATLAS Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter (p. 1676)
by Menke, Sven
Towards Radiation Hard Sensor Materials for the CMS Tracker Upgrade (p. 1828)
by Steinbrueck, Georg
Response evolution of the CMS ECAL and R&D studies for electromagnetic calorimetry at the High-Luminosity LHC (p. 1861)
by Nessi-Tedaldi, Francesca
High-Rate Glass Resistive Plate Chambers For LHC Muon Detectors Upgrade (p. 1934)
by Laktineh, I
An EUDET/AIDA Pixel Beam Telescope for Detector Development (p. 1996)
by Perrey, Hanno
Through Silicon Via Redistribution of I/O Pads (p. 4142)
by Seller, P
The ATLAS Muon Trigger Performance in pp Collisions at sqrt(s)=8 TeV in Year 2012 Runs
by Nobe, T
Performance of the VELO detector
by Farinelli, C
The LHCb detector upgrade
by Färber, C
LHCb Operation 2010-2012 on top of a giant rising - Challenges and performance highlights
by Jacobsson, R
The LHCb VELO Upgrade
by Dosil Suárez, A
The ATLAS Trigger Performance and Evolution
by Bartsch, V
The sROD Demonstrator for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Upgrade
by Carrió, F
The ATLAS Muon Calibration Stream: Design and Performance
by Diehl, E
An Overview over Online Systems at the LHC
by Jost, B
An Upgraded ATLAS Central Trigger for 2014 LHC Luminosities
by Kaneda, M
The sROD Demonstrator for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Upgrade
by Carrio, F
Mitigation of Anomalous APD Signals in the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter
by Theofilatos, Konstantinos
Reliability Analysis of a Low Voltage Power Supply Design for the Front-End Electronics of the Atlas Tile Calorimeter
by Drake, G
Operational Experience of the Triple-GEM Detectors of the LHCb Muon System: Summary of 2 years of data taking
by Cardini, Alessandro
Radiation damage in the LHCb Vertex Locator
by Harrison, J
The ATLAS muon trigger performance in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV in year 2012 runs
by Nobe, T
The ATLAS trigger performance and evolution
by Bartsch, V
Performance studies of scintillating ceramic samples exposed to ionizing radiation
by Dissertori, G
Silicon Strip Sensor Simulations for the CMS Phase-II Tracker Upgrade
by Eichhorn, Thomas
Performance and Improvements of the ATLAS Jet Trigger System
by Lang, V
The ATLAS hadronic tau trigger
by Cummings, J
Instrumentation of a Level-1 Track Trigger in the ATLAS detector for the High Luminosity LHC
by Boisvert, V
Monitoring Tool for Digital Errors in the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Readout
by Cuciuc, M
Performance and Phase I Upgrade Plans for the CMS Pixel Detector
by Perrey, Hanno Christopher
Experience with constructing and operating the world's largest silicon-based electromagnetic calorimeter - the CMS Preshower
by Li, Syue-Wei
Single Event Upset Energy Dependence In a Buck-Converter Power Supply Design
by Drake, G
Evolution of the Trigger and Data Acquisition System in the ATLAS experiment
by Kama, Sami
ATLAS Fast Simulation: Atlfast-II and the Integrated Simulation Framework
by Harrington, R D
Radiation Damage to LHC Silicon Detectors
by Collins, P
ATLAS Upgrades Towards the High Luminosity LHC: extending the discovery potential
by Parzefall, U
Silicon strip prototypes for the ATLAS Upgrade tracker of the HL-LHC
by Diez, S
A Hybrid Readout System for the ATLAS TileCal Phase 2 Upgrade Demonstrator
by Bohm, C
An Upgraded ATLAS Central Trigger for 2014 LHC Luminosities
by Kaneda, M
Fast Tracker Performance using the new ”Variable Resolution Associative Memory” for ATLAS
by Iizawa, T
Performance of the LHCb Detector During the LHC Proton Runs 2010 - 2012
by Jacobsson, R
The Atlas Muon Calibration Stream: Design and Performance
by Diehl, E
Silicon strip prototypes for the ATLAS Upgrade tracker of the HL-LHC
by Díez, S
Methods and computing challenges of the realistic simulation of physics events in the presence of pile-up in the ATLAS experiment
by Chapman, J D
A hybrid readout system for the ATLAS TileCal phase 2 upgrade Demonstrator
by Bohm, C
Single Event Upset Energy Dependence In a Buck-Converter Power Supply Design
by Drake, G
Final characterization of the ATLAS IBL detector modules with 241Am during the construction phase
by Mandelli, B
Proton and Neutron Irradiation Tests of Readout Electronics of the ATLAS Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter
by Menke, Sven
Proton and Neutron Irradiation Tests of Readout Electronics of the ATLAS Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter
by Menke, Sven
The ATLAS hadronic tau trigger
by Cummings, J
Performance and Improvements of the ATLAS Jet Trigger System
by Lang, V
Performance of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger in high luminosity proton-proton collisions at the LHC
by Stamen, R
FastTracker performance using the new“Variable Resolution Associative Memory”for Atlas
by Iizawa, T
Monitoring Tool for Digital Errors in the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Readout
by Cuciuc, M
Reliability Analysis of a Low Voltage Power Supply Design for the Front-End Electronics of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter
by Senthilkumaran, A
Evolution of the Trigger and Data Acquisition System in the ATLAS experiment
by Kama, S
The ATLAS semiconductor tracker: operations and performance
by D'Auria, S
Performance of the ATLAS Level--1 Calorimeter Trigger in high luminosity proton--proton collisions at the LHC
by Stamen, R
Instrumentation of a Level-1 Track Trigger in the ATLAS detector for the High Luminosity LHC
by Boisvert, V
A Diode-Pumped DP2-447 Blue Laser for Monitoring CMS Lead Tungstate Crystal Calorimeter at the LHC
by Zhu, Kejun
Final characterization of the ATLAS IBL detector modules with 241Am during the construction phase
by Mandelli, B
Calibration of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter at the LHC
by Leslie, Dawn Elizabeth
How the Monte Carlo production of a wide variety of different samples is centrally handled in the LHCb experiment
by Corti, G
Overview of the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer (IBL) Project
by Muenstermann, D
The Operational Experience of the Triple-GEM Detectors of the LHCb Muon System: Summary of 2 Years of Data Taking
by Cardini, Alessandro
LHCb Software and Conditions Database Cross-Compatibility Tracking System: a Graph-Theory Approach
by Cattaneo, M
Performance Test of a Triple GEM Detector at CERN n_TOF Facility
by Claps, Gerardo
Radiation damage effects in the LHCb Vertex Locator
by Harrison, J

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 2012-02-07, last modified 2021-09-20