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CERN Accelerating science

Conference title LHC on the March
Related conference title(s) LHC on the March
Date(s), location 16 - 18 Nov 2011, Protvino, Russia
Imprint 2011
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques

Contributions in Inspire: C11-11-16
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Recent results from ALICE (p. 13)
by Kharlov, Yuri
Heavy-flavour measurements in pp and Pb-Pb collisions with the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC (p. 14)
by Averbeck, Ralf
Exotic Searches in ATLAS (p. 21)
by Vranjes, Nenad
B$_c$ production at LHCb
by Yushchenko, Oleg
B-physics in ATLAS
by Vladimir Nikolaenko, IHEP
Status of the CMS detector and upgrade plans
by Guiducci, Luigi
Jet production in association with vector bosons at CMS
by Marone, Matteo
SM Higgs searches by CMS at the LHC
by Kirsanov, Mikhail
Charged track reconstruction and b-tagging performance in ATLAS
by Favareto, A
QCD (and forward) results from CMS
by Katkov, Igor
Search for a heavy neutrino and right-handed W of the left-right symmetric model in pp collisions
by Kirsanov, Mikhail
Electroweak Physics in ATLAS
by Griffiths, J
$\bar{b} b$ quarkonia production at LHCb
by Obraztsov, Vladimir
Identification and reconstruction of electrons and photons with the ATLAS detector at the LHC.
by Gallo, V
CMS results on top physics
by Ivanov, Andrey
LHCb: status and physics results
by Machikhiliyan, Irina
Search for MSSM Higgs with the CMS detector at LHC
by Primavera, Federica
CMS results on Quarkonium production
by Bian, Jianguo
CMS results on SUSY/Beyond SM
by Waltenberger, Wolfgang
Status and performance of CMS
by Jeitler, Manfred
ATLAS Higgs Searches
by Andari, N
Higgs search by CMS
by Kalinowski, Artur

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 2011-11-22, last modified 2016-12-07

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