CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 13th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems
Related conference title(s) ICALEPCS 2011
Date(s), location 10 - 14 Oct 2011, Grenoble, France
Conference contact email: [email protected]
Editor(s) Robichon, Marie (ed.)
Imprint JACoW, 2011
Note Organiser: Andy Götz
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords ICALEPCS ; Accelerator ; Large Experimental Physics ; Control Systems
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

The ATLAS Detector Control System (p. 5)
by Schlenker, S
The MedAustron Accelerator Control System (p. 9)
by Gutleber, J
The LHCb Experiment Control System: On the path to full automation (p. 20)
by Gaspar, C
Database Foundation For The Configuration Management Of The CERN Accelerator Controls Systems (p. 48)
by Zaharieva, Z
Aperture meter for the Large Hadron Collider (p. 70)
by Müller, G J
Stabilization and positioning of CLIC quadrupole magnets with sub-nanometre resolution (p. 74)
by Janssens, S
LHC Supertable (p. 86)
by Pereira, M
by Reymond, H
The CERN Accelerator Measurement Database: On The Road To Federation (p. 102)
by Roderick, C
Database And Interface Modifications: Change Management Without Affecting The Clients (p. 106)
by Peryt, M
CERN Alarms Data Management: State And Improvements (p. 110)
by Zaharieva, Z
Managing Information Flow in ALICE (p. 124)
by Augustinus, A
From data storage towards decision making: LHC technical data integration and analysis (p. 131)
by Marsili, A
Computing Architecture of the ALICE Detector Control System (p. 134)
by Augustinus, A
ATLAS Detector Control System Data Viewer (p. 137)
by Tsarouchas, Charilaos
The Integration Of The LHC Cryogenics Control System Data Into The CERN Layout Database (p. 147)
by Fortescue-Beck, E
A Digital System for Longitudinal Emittance Blow-Up in the LHC (p. 215)
by JaussI, M
An Operational Event Announcer for the LHC Control Centre Using Speech Synthesis (p. 242)
by Page, S
ProShell – The MedAustron Accelerator Control Procedure Framework (p. 246)
by Moser, R
Toolchain for online modeling of the LHC (p. 277)
by Müller, G J
Controlling and Monitoring the Data Flow of the LHCb Read-out and DAQ Network (p. 281)
by Schwemmer, Rainer
Integrating Controls Frameworks: Control Systems for NA62 LAV Detector Test Beams (p. 285)
by Holme, Oliver
The LHC Sequencer (p. 300)
by Alemany-Fernandez, Reyes
Automated Voltage Control in LHCb (p. 304)
by Granado Cardoso, L
The New Control System for the Vacuum of ISOLDE (p. 312)
by Blanchard, S
LHC Survey Laser Tracker Controls Renovation (p. 316)
by Charrondière, C
The Control System of CERN Accelerators Vacuum (Current Status and Recent Improvements) (p. 354)
by Gomes, P
Detector Control System of the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer (p. 364)
by Kersten, S
LHC Magnet Test Benches Controls Renovation (p. 366)
by Andreassen, O O
by Farnham, B
Fast Beam Current Transformer Software for the CERN Injector Complex (p. 382)
by Andersen, M
Did We Get What We Aimed for 10 Years Ago? (p. 397)
by Augustinus, A
Software Renovation of The CERN Experimental Areas (p. 409)
by Fullerton, J
A Customizable Platform for High-availability Monitoring, Control and Data Distribution at CERN (p. 418)
by Braeger, M
Open Hardware For CERN's Accelerator Control Systems (p. 554)
by van der Bij, E
Summary of The 3rd Control System Cyber-Security (CS)2/HEP Workshop (p. 603)
by Lüders, S
Model Oriented Application Generation for Industrial Control Systems (p. 610)
by Copy, B
LHCb Online Infrastructure Monitoring Tools (p. 618)
by Granado Cardoso, L
Optimizing Infrastructure for Software Testing Using Virtualization (p. 622)
by Khalid, Omer
EtherBone - A Network Layer for the Wishbone SoC Bus (p. 642)
by Kreider, M
A Remote Tracing Facility For Distributed Systems (p. 650)
by Ehm, F
by Andreassen, O O
Turn-key Applications for Accelerators with LabVIEW-RADE (p. 670)
by Andreassen, O O
Fabric Management with Diskless Servers and Quattor on LHCb (p. 691)
by Schweitzer, P
Reliability In A White Rabbit Network (p. 698)
by Lipiński, M
Status Of The RBAC Infrastructure And Lessons Learnt From Its Deployment in LHC (p. 702)
by Yastrebov, I
Dependable Design Flow for Protection Systems using Programmable Logic Devices (p. 706)
by Kwiatkowski, M
Running a Reliable Messaging Infrastructure for CERN's Control System (p. 724)
by Ehm, F
UNICOS CPC New Domains of Application: Vacuum and Cooling & Ventilation (p. 752)
by Willeman, D
Supervision Application for the New Power Supply of the CERN PS (POPS) (p. 756)
by Milcent, H
Agile Development and Dependency Management for Industrial Control Systems (p. 767)
by Copy, B
State Machine Framework And Its Use For Driving LHC Operational states (p. 782)
by Misiowiec, M
UNICOS Evolution: CPC Version 6 (p. 786)
by Blanco Vinuela, E
A C/C++ Build System Based On Maven for the LHC Controls System (p. 848)
by Nguyen Xuan, J
Java Expert GUI framework for CERN beam instrumentation systems (p. 852)
by Bart Pedersen, S
UNICOS CPC6: Automated Code Generation for Process Control Applications (p. 871)
by Fernandez Adiego, B
Function Generation and Regulation Libraries and their Application to the Control of the New Main Power Converter (POPS) at the CERN CPS (p. 886)
by King, Q
Synchronously Driven Power Converter Controller Solution for MedAustron (p. 912)
by Šepetavc, Luka
Evolution of the CERN Power Converter Function Generator/Controller for Operation in Fast Cycling Accelerators (p. 939)
by Calcoen, D
A Combined On-Line Acoustic Flowmeter and Fluorocarbon Coolant Mixture Analyzer for The ATLAS Silicon Tracker (p. 969)
by Bitadze, A.
Interconnection Test Framework for the CMS Level-1 Trigger System (p. 973)
by Hammer, J
A Testbed For Validating the LHC Controls System Core Before Deployment (p. 977)
by Nguyen Xuan, J
Automated Coverage Tester for the Oracle Archiver of WinCC OA (p. 981)
by Voitier, A
by Farnham, B
Backward Compatibility As A Key Measure For Smooth Upgrades To The LHC Control System (p. 989)
by Baggiolini, V
Software Tools for Electrical Quality Assurance in the LHC (p. 993)
by Bednarek, Mateusz
Timing System Solution for MedAustron; Real-time Event and Data Distribution Network (p. 999)
by Štefanič, R
Testing Digital Electronic Protection Systems (p. 1047)
by Gabourin, S
Architecture for Interlock Systems : Reliability Analysis with Regard to Safety and Availability(p. 1058)
by Wagner, S
Access Safety Systems – New Concepts from the LHC Experience (p. 1066)
by Ladzinski, T
Automatic Analysis at the Commissioning of the LHC Superconducting Electrical Circuits (p. 1073)
by Reymond, H
Virtualization for the LHCb Experiment (p. 1077)
by Drosdal, L N
Automatic Injection Quality Checks for the LHC (p. 1077)
by Drosdal, L N
First Experiences of Beam Presence Detection Based on Dedicated Beam Position Monitors (p. 1081)
by Jalal, A
Pre-Operation, During Operation and Post-Operational Verification of Protection Systems (p. 1090)
by Romera, Iván
First Operational Experience with the LHC Beam Dump Trigger Synchronisation Unit (p. 1100)
by Antoine, A
LHC Collimator Controls for a Safe LHC Operation (p. 1104)
by Redaelli, S
LHC Collimator Controls for a Safe LHC Operation (p. 1104)
by Redaelli, S
External Post-operational Checks for the LHC Beam Dumping System (p. 1111)
by Magnin, N
The Radiation Monitoring System for the LHCb Inner Tracker (p. 1115)
by Okhrimenko, O
Protecting Detectors in ALICE (p. 1122)
by Mateusz Lechman, Mateusz
Assessment And Testing of Industrial Devices Robustness Against Cyber Security Attacks (p. 1130)
by Tilaro, F
CERN Safety System Monitoring - SSM (p. 1134)
by Hakulinen, T
Monitoring Control Applications at CERN (p. 1141)
by Bernard, F
Distributed Monitoring System Based on ICINGA (p. 1149)
by Haen, C
Efficient Network Monitoring for Large Data Acquisition Systems (p. 1153)
by Savu, DO
Virtualization for the LHCb Experiment (p. 1157)
by Bonaccorsi, E
Virtualization for the LHCb Experiment (p. 1157)
by Bonaccorsi, E
The Wonderland of Operating the ALICE Experiment (p. 1182)
by Augustinus, A
Multi-platform SCADA GUI Regression Testing at CERN (p. 1201)
by Burkimsher, P C
The Software Improvement Process - Tools And Rules To Encourage Quality (p. 1212)
by Sigerud, K
LHCb Online Log Analysis and Maintenance System (p. 1228)
by Garnier, J-C
Instrumentation Of The CERN Accelerator Logging Service: Ensuring Performance, Scalability, Maintenance And Diagnostics (p. 1232)
by Roderick, C
Free And Open Source Software At CERN: Integration Of Drivers In The Linux Kernel (p. 1248)
by González Cobas, J D
STUXNET and the Impact on Accelerator Control Systems (p. 1285)
by Lüders, S
Feed-Forward in the LHC (p. 1302)
by Pereira, M
Towards High Performance Processing In Modern Java Based Control Systems (p. 1322)
by Misiowiec, M
Middleware Trends And Market Leaders 2011 (p. 1334)
by Dworak, A
ATLAS Online Determination and Feedback of the LHC Beam Parameters
by Cogan, J
LHCb Online Log Analysis and Maintenance System
by Garnier, J-C
ATLAS Online Determination and Feedback of LHC Beam Parameters
by Cogan, J G
IT Security for the LHCb experiment
by Bonaccorsi, E
Fabric management with diskless servers and Quattor in LHCb
by Schweitzer, P
The Evolution of the Control System for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
by Holme, Oliver
LHCb Online Infrastructure Monitoring Tools
by Granado Cardoso, L
Fast Beam Current Transformer Software for the CERN Injector Complex
by Andersen, M
Detector Control System of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter
by Arabidze, G

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 Record created 2011-07-26, last modified 2024-02-23